racer radio

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Bokuto had some of the brightest colors Akaashi had ever seen.

He loved seeing him at night, especially when the world was drenched in shadows and brought out the most beautiful hues from him that Akaashi never got used to.

He would smile like magenta and speak jade into the air, whispering of silvers and vermillion beneath the fairy lights while his bones shined in turquoise. He would kiss Akaashi and stain his skin in violets, his laugh leaving trails of amber all over his apartment, reminding him of acrylic paint splatter over plain, white walls.


Because of that, Akaashi thinks he will never blend in.

He never wanted to see him blend in.

It's been three days, and every day felt more like a dream than the last, the world bright in technicolor. It stormed for two of them, unfortunately, but Akaashi didn't find Bokuto underneath his desk this time.

Instead, he walked in on him watching the fairy lights and holding onto Akaashi's Bun-chan while the rain pelted the windows, begging to be let in on his fragile bubble.

He smiled seeing his face and Akaashi fell in love, colors all over the ceiling.

Akaashi was in class when Atsumu came to pick Bokuto up today, but knowing that he left still instilled that same sense of yearning as it would have had he saw him go, the kind that was barren and made your chest ache the more you thought of them.

Bokuto had been on Akaashi's mind all day, so that definitely didn't help.

As he comes home, Kuroo calls for him from the kitchen. He hums and watches his roommate try not to burn water in the pot on the stove, staring at it like he was some kind of scientist who just mixed chemicals together. Were there chemicals in there?

"Hello! Do you have work today?" Kuroo asks, and Akaashi shakes his head.


"Okay. I'm going to cook for us. Trying udon."

Akaashi nods and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "I'll go change and come help you out."

"No, it's okay. I think I got it." Kuroo says, and Akaashi's eyebrows come together as the water boils so violently in the pot he thinks it might explode, telling him that Kuroo did not have it, but he lets him off. "But you should definitely go to your room!"

Kuroo raises his eyebrows, excited, and Akaashi squints, nervous. Usually, when Kuroo wanted Akaashi to actually do one of his regular mundane activities for the day, they were less than because Kuroo had done something to make them less mundane.

He did not like that look at all.

"What did you do?"

"Not me." His eyebrows jump again as he looks back at the pot, turning the dial down a little and Akaashi hopes he doesn't burn the house down. "Your boyfriend."

Akaashi rolls his eyes and turns to leave before Kuroo had a chance to see the flush over his face, feeling his face heat up at the mention.

Damn Kuroo.

Still, Akaashi takes steps twice as wide to get to his room and turns on his light to his bedroom, half expecting Bokuto to be there for no reason at all.

Instead, he finds a small, sea-green radio on his bed with a note attached to it, one of those old ones that were too big to fit in pockets. He picks it up, Bokuto's loopy handwriting staining the page with black gel pen.


I appreciate you so much!! But you probably already knew that. Thank you for everything in this past week, and for everything before that! You are too good to me!!

This is what I like to call a Racer Radio. I had Atsumu and Aran tune it perfectly so that it only picks up announcements and other info on races and plays music. Set the dial to 109 for MSBY specifically. 80 tunes rock and 105 is set for indie, 75 for eurobeat.

You'll have to read between the lines for location, but I figured it would be better than following fake traffic signs.

And I remember you told me you liked bands like Luna Sea and Sunny Day Real Estate so I hope you like this!!! There are other stations for different groups and stuff, like weather reports and police warnings, the rest is just static.

I hope this is useful!

I will see you soon, Daisy. Stay safe!! \(^○^)人(^○^)/

- Your Bokuto

p.s. Did you see them? I always keep my promises!! ôヮô

Akaashi looks up and tries to think, looking around his room for whatever Bokuto was talking about. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

His Bun-chan was still on top of his pillows...the bed was made...there was nothing on the nightstand...

...His desk.

Akaashi blinks and his heart flutters again as a white vase sits atop of it, holding seven happy sunflowers in it. A gold ribbon is tied neatly around the mouth of the vase, Akaashi recognizing it as Sugawara's bouquet.

They beamed back at him in that same gold anyway, and Akaashi truly felt like Bokuto was here for tonight, too.

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