first gear

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hello!! very excited to finally share this ahhh

a few minor details before you read -> this takes place in a town like tokyo in the 90s, during a time period similar to the heisei era, when disco and street racing were popular! i hope that translates onto this au clearly!! if not, please let me know how i could improve in the next updates - no suggestions are dumb and anything you say will make sense, so please don't hesitate to talk to me, ever!! ^^

im taking memories from street racing documentaries, clips, discussions, and articles circulating around japan in the 90s (as well as the taxi minigames from yakuza 5 hehe) but i apologize in advance if things dont 100% match up. please excuse any inaccuracies c:

i have a lot planned for this au and it will take a while for updates, so i'm posting everything that i have until i could write again. i also wanna try writing a little differently, so i hope you like this!!



There was something about going 110 down the wrong side of the freeway that made Bokuto Koutarou feel alive.

That first spark of electricity in his fingertips as they swiftly switched gears to hit the engine's sweet spot, the livewire current buzzing through his veins as the turbos spool again, the heat seeping from his bones as he overtakes his opponent.

To take the corner at that slight angle, to have the tires beneath him glide along a drift like new blades to wet ice, to feel time stop as he pressed his foot against the gas pedal to beat the tick of her minutes into the nighttime - it was all so liberating.

Bokuto often thought the world went too fast, but the road allowed him to think for a little, steady hands over a wheel that let him steer not just his car, but his heart along the asphalt, that amazing sense of clarity that people liked to talk about.

When he was on the street - when he let his worries drain from the soles of his feet and gave all of his trust to his Mitsubishi 3000GT - he was untouchable, weightless, undoubtedly confident as even the moon kept her eye on him the entire night.

The satisfaction of winning a street race, barely scraping the skin of oncoming traffic while the lights beneath his car painted neon blue across the asphalt, made him feel next to invincible. Nobody could touch him.

Not to mention the attention.

If Bokuto loved something the most in this world, it would be the attention.

Despite him never thinking twice about it, there was something about looking into awed, gleaming eyes under the stars when he got back to the lot, all glowing just for him, their gazes like diamonds. Priceless, but not as rare as they were made out to be.

The pride that would slip its arms around his shoulders after a race, whispering of freedom and desire in his ear, was something he could get used to.

It would fog his head up and only clear after he was home, coming down from a high that took him past the moon and through stellar streams. It was addictive in every way, a nicotine drag through his lungs, a dissolving tablet on his tongue, a drug in the form of dazzling stares for him and him only.

He wanted it, craved the next chance he got to experience that kind of freedom.

Bokuto didn't like being tied down and he would never be tied down.

And that was that.

Apart from it, he really loved the smell of gasoline and charred rubber when he was on the street. He loved the invisible badges of respect he wore pinned to his clothes whenever he left the lots after a victory. He loved the callouses that his hands sported, to reflect his skill, to show everyone that hey! I'm one of the best street racers in the city, did you know that?

And they would know that.

Everyone would know his name, soon enough.

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