grey clouds

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Monday rolls around pretty quickly, despite Akaashi's wishes for it to postpone itself for as long as possible.

There was something about the slow trickle of time that slipped through Akaashi's fingers like warm honey that made him want to preserve it. Maybe it was in the way Bokuto grinned, or the normalcy he brought just by waking up beside him in the morning.

Akaashi wanted that normalcy.

Even if he could get it, he can't keep forgetting that Bokuto was an illegal street racer, and not some regular, sweet guy he met in a tattoo parlor.

He couldn't forget that.

The domesticity sits heavily in his chest, pining for a boy that was so close to him, yet, he felt like he was way too far.

His own personal frustration bares its teeth at him as he pulls Bokuto out of bed this morning, bites him over his throat and it pulls at his hair as he peers into a darkened gold, exhausted and happy and worn, wanting to look at him without the looming threat of getting arrested, or having Bokuto get hurt again.

It was so fucking suffocating.

Akaashi is sitting on his bathroom counter, kicking his legs on either side of Bokuto as he tries his best to wake him up and put his worries on hold for the time being. He woke up with Akaashi's alarm, and 7am was not friendly to him at all.

"Come on, Bokuto. You've gotta wake up."

Bokuto has his eyes closed and Akaashi is scared he's going to choke on the toothpaste as he holds his mouth open, standing up between his knees. Barely.

Akaashi could practically see the cartoon bubbles popping around his head as his brain tried to find the energy to stand up.

Kuroo had already gone to work, so even if Akaashi let him sleep in, there'd be no one to help him get ready for the day. He felt bad for making him wake up, but at the same token, found Sleepy Bokuto very sweet.

"Wake up~," Akaashi says, and Bokuto opens his eyes again with a dazed look on his face, only to slowly let them close.

Akaashi smiles and Bokuto wobbles in front of him. He lightly knees Bokuto's thigh, making the other groan at the pain, his eyebrows coming together.

"You want coffee? I'll make you some coffee." Akaashi offers, and Bokuto shakes his head with a muffled noise of disapproval, trudging to the sink to rinse his toothbrush and mouth out when Akaashi finishes.

"Tea?" Akaashi asks, reaching over to grab his own toothbrush and preparing it over the sink.

Bokuto shakes his hanging head, leaning on his elbows while the water runs from the faucet in front of him, his toothbrush fallen in the sink.

"Do you wanna go for lunch together after class?" Akaashi asks, brushing his teeth while hoping that it would give Bokuto some incentive to wake up, kicking his feet against the counter as he tries to think. "I'll be home by noon."

"Yes," Bokuto says, scooting over so that Akaashi could use the sink. "...I wanna."

"But you have to wake up," Akaashi says, towel drying his mouth with the small, fluffy one on the rack once he rinses, reaching over to lightly squeeze Bokuto's arm.

"My soul," Bokuto says, eyes half-lidded as he rests his head on Akaashi's shoulder, Sleep stinging his eyes in a revenge plot for them not spending enough time together. "It's giving into the void."

"You're so dramatic." Akaashi scoffs with a smile, reaching for the drawer beneath the sink to grab one of the rubber bands he kept in here for Bokuto. "Let me put your hair up."

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