Akaashi lets a breath escape him as the two of them pass in front of them, Bokuto barely scraping the side of a passing car as he takes another round on the freeway.

"Are you going to spend the night with Bokuto?" Kuroo asks, his cooler halfway done. "Asking so that I know if I could walk around the apartment naked or not."

"As if me being there would stop you." Akaashi says, and Kuroo makes a face.

"I am not that indecent."

"No, but you are pretty gross."

"Shut up. You're ugly."

Akaashi breathes out a smile and watches as Bokuto passes the two of them again, easily taking the lead as Kenma tries his best to keep up.

They were so close to each other, Akaashi was nervous at the probability of Bokuto losing this one.

Still, he didn't doubt that Bokuto would win.

There was a slight anxiousness that Kenma would keep his promise from the first time they met, but either way, Akaashi didn't mind.

He just hoped Bokuto didn't, either, if it came down to it.

"To answer your question, no." Akaashi shakes his head and feels his mouth slip into a frown as Kenma was consistent, the nose of his car that much further in front of Bokuto's. "I'm gonna be home late, most likely. So you can run around naked until I text you."

Kuroo nods, finishing off his wine cooler while looking at the street. "Cool."

Akaashi grimaces and watches the cars, his throat feeling dry as Bokuto struggles to keep up with Kenma's car.

He's so, so close, Bokuto's front tires keeping up with Kenma's rear. The blue lights are covered by Kenma as Bokuto weaves through a set of two incoming cars, making Akaashi shudder in the type of anticipation he didn't think he'd get again, from the first race he'd ever seen Bokuto in.

Come on, come on. Bokuto was so damn close...

They were getting tighter as they approached the finish line. Akaashi didn't know he was holding his breath until he lets it out, only to feel it fill his lungs again as they sped closer to the line.

...And he has never felt his spirits drain so quickly, once Kenma slows down after finishing first with Bokuto's hood right at his back tires, leading him off of the exit back towards them.

There were cheers and claps, but Akaashi didn't know if it was because Kenma won or because Bokuto lost.

Kuroo is cheering, too, and it slowly brings Akaashi back into the environment, feeling like he wasn't being fair.

He shouldn't be upset. Kenma was his friend, too.

Everything kind of muddled together and Akaashi tried not to feel frustrated as he made his way to the drink stand once another racer from Karasuno left the lot to race again.

"I'm gonna go meet Kenma before he leaves!" Kuroo calls, and Akaashi nods as he waves at him, jogging off in the direction of Kenma's car once it's parked near the very end of the lot.

"I'll see you later!"

Akaashi gets himself one of the chillers once Bokuto parks, but he doesn't get out and gushes to him about how fun the race was, like he usually did.

He knew he shouldn't feel worried, considering nobody really liked losing, but Bokuto especially felt like the world was ending when he did and Akaashi knew it.

He makes his way over, preoccupying himself with the cooler and hoping Bokuto was not having an existential crisis in his driver's seat.

Akaashi tilts his head and peers into the windshield, seeing Bokuto staring into the steering wheel, contemplating something. He was thinking, but Akaashi didn't know specifically what.

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