Akaashi raises his eyebrows and shuts his mouth, knowing how confident Bokuto could get over something he was good at.

And Akaashi would be lying if he said it didn't instill a sense of pride in him, too.

"Your boyfriend's a cocky little shit," Kuroo says, his mouth in a half-smile as he watches the cars in the distance.

"He is not my boyfriend." Akaashi's eyebrows came together, his heart was practically begging for Kuroo to say something like that again, liking how it sounded when spoken out loud.

His head was shouting at him to stop thinking things like that.

"Liar," Kuroo says, lightly punching Akaashi's leg. "You are in love with that man."

"W-why don't you worry about your boyfriend?" Akaashi asks, looking at the daisy on his hand. "How come you're not with him?"

"He is doing burnouts in the lot with Fukunaga. I hate the sound of them." Kuroo shakes his head. "No way I'm gonna go watch him do that shit."

Akaashi hums with a nod, and watches as Bokuto turns with another curve, car horns blaring at him once he finds himself on the opposite side of the road once more. The asphalt is dark and slick with leftover rain, but somehow Bokuto manages to stay off of the dirt and overtake Tendou again, passing the crowd in their fourth lap.

"This water's gonna get hot." Akaashi pouts, and Kuroo waves a hand dismissively.

"Bo would drink warm piss if it was you who gave it to him. It's fine."

"You are sick."

"It's true!"

"I wonder-"

Akaashi is cut off and the sky splits with the sound.

Screeching tires blanket any other noise that he could hear, a frantic weep of a loss of control and the beginning of chaos. Exhaust smoke pools over a curve, and Akaashi watches as blue lights find their way swerving into the opposite side of the road again, cars honking and veering around the car.

Kuroo stands up quickly, silent and scared, as Bokuto's tires slip across the wet road, the nose of his car meeting the ledge and ruining the entire side of it.

People are swearing and calling out, their words disappearing into the air before Akaashi could grab them.

He could barely breathe once he realized what's going on. The air feels too thick to be let in and his thoughts fizz out like television static as quickly as they came.

Akaashi's heart falls as Bokuto's car lurches forward, barely scraping Tendou's car and trying to get out of the way, the back tire popping and spouting bright yellow sparks from the rim.

The car flips twice in a slowed barrel roll and the people around Akaashi are shouting, yelling to start leaving.

To start...


There were no police, there was no need to leave.

He needed to be helped.

"Bokuto?" Akaashi's mind is reeling and he can't think of anything else, his eyes never leaving Bokuto's car as it skids towards them, slowing to a halt in the middle of the road, trails of black wisps coming from the hood.

He searches for any sign of him through the windshield, too far and too dark for him to see.

"Akaashi, we have to go," Kuroo says, watching as a few people make their way towards Bokuto's car, and Tendou is already gone from the street, racing against time rather than Bokuto.

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