Akaashi found it incredibly endearing how his mind would run sometimes.

"Right, um...uh, yeah. So, you're our shooter today. But! They give you money for it, so you'd get something out of it."

"I don't know about this, Bokuto. And the roads are slippery, aren't they?" Akaashi looked out the window to see the sky was cloudy and covering the sun, but the muffled light still shone back at him through the glass. "It's too dangerous to race."

"It'll be okay! They'll dry up enough to be safe to race. You won't get rained on!"

Akaashi bites the inside of his bottom lip and looks at his hand, still holding onto the black gel pen he was writing his notes with. "I don't know..."

And all it took was a simple please? for Akaashi to find himself dusting black eyeshadow over his lashes in front of the bathroom mirror after the phone call, silver necklaces lying against a black shirt.

"Still kind of upsetting that you didn't invite me to go to the race tonight." Kuroo squints from where he was leaning on the wall behind him, and Akaashi cuts his eyes to him once. " Slightly prejudiced, but whatever."

"Come with me, then," Akaashi says, looking at Kuroo's reflection expectantly. "I always love your company."

"God, you're so in love with me, it's insane." Kuroo shakes his head with a smile, and Akaashi deadpans, going back to the mirror.

He should have known.


"I don't want to intrude on your date, anyway. I'll invite Kenma over instead." Kuroo shuffles and there is the sound of Akaashi's door opening as he slinks out of the bathroom, Akaashi making a face. "Have fun. Stay safe. Text me if you're in trouble. Don't get arrested. I love you!"

Akaashi lets him off with a yeah, whatever, deciding now that he might have liked the way his eyes looked under this makeup. Bokuto was right about becoming a different person, just for the night, his reflection smirking with a confidence he only got once in a blue moon.

He steps back and stares at himself, quickly becoming self-conscious in the way that he did look different, like he wasn't himself. He was not sure which side he wanted to cling to as the eyeshadow called attention with a color that tried to stray away from it.

No, actually. It looked good.

Maybe Akaashi wouldn't mind this so much.

And it was only when he was out the door that he realized Kuroo called it a date, and he didn't even think to correct him.


Turns out, Akaashi minded this more than anything in his life.

The walk to the lot wasn't bad, mainly because his brain was fogged with the high of experiencing a race so up close, being integrated within one rather than just being a spectator.

Puppet strings of adrenaline led him up the incline and into the lot, all by himself at that, taking him up to meet Bokuto in the corner of the lot.

The high waned out once Akaashi spotted Bokuto's car in the corner of the lot, as the realization sat on his shoulders, heavy and almost debilitating as it kicked its feet and made him stumble towards his car.

The streets were inky and slick with leftover rain from the afternoon, street lights reflecting off of the asphalt like jewels. Akaashi felt that same unease he did when talking to Bokuto, hoping that the streets were dry enough, despite the way it looked today.

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