"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence, we're not breaking up princess, end of discussion" he stated

Watching him switch was so odd because the next thing that came out of his mouth was, "Come on. You don't mean that" in a soft voice

Taking a deep breath, Naomi continued to stare at him. "I want us to break up" she repeated

He blinked at her slowly, registering that she had just said what he didn't want to hear. That she had disobeyed him and told him that she wanted to end something which he had so generously given her - a relationship.

Her words hit him like lightening. Naomi even saw him wince when she finished her sentence.

Shaking his head, he inhaled and exhaled harshly.

Naomi chewed the inside of her cheeks in nerves of what he was going to do to her. Did she have enough time to run if he tried anything?

Breaking the deafening silence of the Naomi's words still lingering in the air, Josiah got up from his bed, walking over to his door and locking it.

She wanted to run.

She wanted to get up and get out of there as fast as she could, but she couldn't.

Her body wouldn't let her.

So she stayed. She stayed sat there on the edge of his bed as he stood infront of her, reaching his hand out to cup her face.

Almost off of instinct Naomi flinched from his cold hands touching her, but that didn't stop him. It didn't stop him, instead he put on his mask.

His mask of the vulnerable, sweet boy she once fell for.

"Naomi" He finally said, bringing her chin up so that she would look up at him stood before her.

So that she could see the clear power dynamic divide between them of him stood towering above her. How he had a claim on her and she couldn't leave unless he let her.

"Please don't do this" he pleaded, his voice wavering in the middle

He should be an actor.

He knew exactly what to say and how to say it, just to pull at Naomi's heart strings to make her walls come falling straight back down and she'd run right back into his open arms, completely forgetting that in a few hours, days or weeks time - it changed everytime - that she had infact gone back to her very own devil in disguise.

"Please" he whispered, brushing his thumb over her chin as she swallowed, trying to get the words of 'no' or 'leave me alone' or even 'it's done, I'm not coming back' to leave her mouth.

She hated how he was looking at her with such hope that she'd stay. That she'd take him back this time. That he could sweet talk her again, but she couldn't, she wouldn't.

She didn't know that she was going to do this until today. She didn't realise that she had made her choice - her decision of ending it all until today. She had made the decision today because she had officially sent off her two hundred and fifty pound deposit for her flat at her university accommodation off today, and then to top it off, this really sweet girl called Aimee from her course found her on socials and said that they should be friends and walk to lectures together.

It was a plan for the future.

It was hope.

All Naomi needed was a bit of hope and university and this new girl called Aimee, who she hoped would be a good friend, gave her that.

It gave her hope and it gave her courage.

Courage to get out of this shitty relationship.

Naomi had been silent for too long on Josiah's end and he knew she was thinking things through too much this time. If she really calculated things, she'd leave him for good and he couldn't have that. He needed to get into her head. "Just one more chance, Naomi. Princess, please" his voice cracked as he let a stray tear fall from his eye and onto his cheek as he spoke

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