The Wrath of Ikazuchi Part 1

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A man in a suit was thrown through a door as a red figure slowly walked towards him.


The man barked orders to his guards as they opened fire on the figure.

"Oh no, no-no. This won't do at all."

The figure sighed as he released a bolt of lightning from his hands, electrocuting the guards. They slumped over as smoke rose from their bodies.

"Sending others to fight your battles? Talk about cowardly."


"Sorry, pal. As much as I hate to do this, I got orders from the higher-ups to take you out."

He summoned one of his swords and, in one swift motion, cleaved the man's head clean off, and his body crumpled lifelessly to the floor. As he wiped the blood from his blade, his intercom started ringing.

"Heyo. What's up?"

"Ikazuchi. I have a new assignment for you."

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Horobi himself. So, what can I do for you today, sir?"

Ikazuchi walked over to the chair and flopped down, putting his legs up onto the table.

"You have a new target. Kamen Rider Zero-One, Takasaki Aruto."

Beneath his helmet, Ikazuchi's mouth curled into a smile.

"Yes, sir. So when can I start?"

"Whenever you're ready."

"Well then, the hunt is on."

Meanwhile, Aruto had just finished their jogging session with Ai and he knelt over in exhaustion.


"Sorry, Sorry. It's just with you as Zero-One. I thought you would have built up your stamina by now."

"It's much better than before but not at your level. I still need to continue my efforts if I want to make any progress."

"So you're saying that continuing to be Zero-One is the key to improving your stamina?"

Aruto and Ai smiled at each other as they exchanged puns.

"Come on. Let's sit at that bench over there."

The two of them sat down at a nearby bench while Ai went and bought drinks at a nearby vending machine.



"So why did you join me on my morning run today?"

"Well, I haven't spent a lot of time with you compared to the others. I want to get to know you better, so I know how better to assist and support you in your activities."

"I see. So, what do you think of me so far?"

"Well, you're super athletic, and you like to make puns whenever you can."

"Is that it?"


"It's fine for now. I hope we can spend more time together so when I ask you again, you'll have so many things to say you won't be able to stop."

"It's a promise."

Aruto and Ai pinky promised as they continued to relax on the bench. Suddenly they could hear the faint sounds of crying in the distance. While they approached the source of the crying, they found a small child, maybe in middle school, on the floor.

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