The Flames of Passion

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Jin twirled his gun around as he approached Horobi.

"Horo~bi. Now that we have two Progrise Keys, how about you let me use one now? I want to be able to fight like you do."

"It's far too early for you, little bird. We still need to collect battle data from the Zetsumerise Keys. That way, we can fully awaken the Ark and plunge humanity into a never-ending hell."

Horobi turned away from him, his voice as monotonous as ever.

"Stingy. You've been calling me little bird ever since I was a kid. I'm all grown up now. I can handle myself just fine."

Horobi smirked at Jin's reply as he handed him another Zetsumerise Key.

"Give this to the scientists over at Shocker. It's time to make a new friend."

Jin giggled as he took the key from Horobi's hand.

Meanwhile, Aruto was accompanying Setsuna, Rina and Shizuku as the three of them walked around Akihabara.

"So, guys, where do you want to go first?"

"There are several anime shops I want to go to. Oh, but there's also a hero show that's coming up later. But there's also Manga stores and video games stores I want to visit. Oh and..."

Setsuna immediately spoke up in response to Aruto's question, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Calm down, Setsuna. I know you're excited, but let's try and think this through. The hero show should be starting in about 30 minutes. I think we should go there first so we can get a good spot secured."

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm interested in studying the movements of the actors."

"Mm. Rina-chan board 'Excited.'"

Shizuku and Rina nodded in agreement as Setsuna was dragged him along over to the hero show. The show was a recreation of one of the many battles Ichigou had fought Shocker. In this case, it was his battle against Bat Man.

"I will turn you all into my vampire slaves!"

Bat Man proceeded to make an intimidating pose as he approached the audience.e HH

"Oh no! Bat Man has entered the audience! Everybody be careful!"

The stage MC provided commentary as the actor loomed towards the audience.

"Now then, who should be my first victim?"

Bat Man looked around eagerly before turning towards Shizuku.

"I'll start with you!"

He grabbed Shizuku and led her towards the stage.

"Oh no! Bat Man has kidnapped a girl from the audience!"

"Kyaaa!! Somebody save me!"

Shizuku, ever the natural actress, gave her best effort in portraying her role as a damsel in distress.

"Nobody's coming to save you! Now to make you my vampire slave!"

"Wow, they're really into it, aren't they?"

"Well, Shizuku has also been one to immerse herself into a role no matter where."

Aruto closely observed the show with intrigue as he talked with Setsuna.

"Hold it right there!"

Ichigou came out from behind the stage and struck a pose as he faced Bat Man.

"K-Kamen Rider? What are you doing here? Stay outta my way!"

"As long as there is evil in the world. I will always be there to stop it! Take this! RIDER KICK!"

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