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    It was a bright but rainy morning. Miguel held Eliana to his chest as she sucked her thumb. He preferred to sleep in the day so he could watch over her at night. His baby twin sister was so fragile he just wanted to protect her with all his strength.
    Eliana sat on the stairs munching on a slice of molten bread as Miguel sipped on a glass of milk. Ms. Silvia never fed them well like the other kids. Said they were too worthless to sit at the same table as everyone. Eliana passed Miguel the remaining half slice of bread when suddenly the door bell rang.
   A pregnant silence engulfed the room as all heads turned to the door. Not a word was said for a while.
"Get up and get ready," Ms.Silvia commanded .
    Miguel silently grabbed his sisters hand leading them downstairs to sit on the living room floor. All the other children at the orphanage had at least four pairs of clothes including formal wear for when couples came to adopt . But the two of them only had what they came in with which was two pairs of worn our clothes.
    All the children lined up according to age making the twins last in line. They stood quietly as they watched Ms. Silvia lead three tall men into the living room. One by one the men talked to each child and at last they reached the twins who stood hand in hand not saying a word.
One of the men, Caspian, reached out to touch Eliana but as soon as he did Miguel punched him, grabbed his sisters hand and ran upstairs locking themselves in the attic which was also their bedroom.
   Miguel got a backpack and started packing their clothes. He'd finally had enough and to protect his sister he had to leave the orphanage.
   Miguel knew that she heard his cry's and saw the scars from the beatings but not all of them and he didn't want her to find out. Her fragile mental state couldn't handle it. Much as they were twins he was taller than Eliana by some inches . She was short and malnourished making her look like a three year old instead of a four almost five year old.
   He grasped her hand in his . Just as he reached out to open the door it flew wide open hitting him hard on the head making him stumble and fall darkness consuming him. Eliana lay on her side desperately breathing for air as she panicked. Soon enough she blacked out.
   The papers were signed, bags packed and money paid. Miguel and Eliana were officially adopted. But by who.
    The twins slept the entire plane ride and car ride to their new home. The sleepless nights finally caught up to Miguel and Elaina was mentally drained. Her panic attacks always take a lot of energy out of her.
   As soon as the car came to a stop Miguel woke up. He was in a car seat and so was Eliana who was still fast asleep. His door opened and some guy unbundled  and picked him up. Miguel was still in a daze and did not struggle but this strangers arms felt oddly comforting to him. So he snuggled further in the man's chest making him chuckle.
   The second man picked Eliana up and held her close. She was still asleep and just clinged to the man's shirt with her tiny fist sucking on it. The third man carried their ting back back that held all their belongings. The three men exchanged a look silently promising to get them new things.
    An hour later Eliana woke up and was frightened.  She looked around the unfamiliar surroundings and she could feel another panic attack coming. Tears welled up in her eyes as sobs rocked her body.
"M-mig-ue-l," she whimpered .
   Miguel sat on the chair furthest from the men. He was the very protective of his twin. He didn't want these men to hurt Eliana. God knows she had been through enough.
"Miguel my name is Caspian and I'm you and your sisters new papa," the first man said.
"My name is Elijah your uncle," the second man smiled.
"Gerald," the third man grumbled.
     Miguel was fully aware of the situation. He was more than happy to be taken away from Ms. Silvia and that horrible orphanage. He felt oddly comfortable around Caspian and thought he should give it a shot. But he was worried about Eliana though. Where was his sister.
   Just as he opened his mouth a scream was heard.
"Eliana," he whispered under his breath.
  Jumping from the chair he ran towards where the scream came from with Caspian, Elijah and Gerald trailing behind him.
   Opening he door he saw his sister being held by some man. He ran towards them and kicked the man on his shin trying to get him to let go of his sister. Caspian picked him up placing him on his hip gently rocking him trying to calm him down.
     Meanwhile, Gerald took Eliana into his arms and swayed her making her sobs turn into whimpers. She felt oddly comfortable in this strangers arms.
    Miguel turned to look at her and reached his arms out towards her. Gerald took him and placed him on his other hip.
"Sure you can handle!" Elijah smiled at him
"Yes, go and explain to Jarred the situation. I'm sure he feels bad for making her cry." He grumbled swaying the twins and smiled when he heard Miguel's soft snores.
   The three men sat on the large couch in the lounge a glass of whisky in each of there hands except Gerald who had the twins snuggled in his arms.
    He had tried putting them to bed but they wouldn't let go of him which resulted in him just holding them.
  "What now?" Elijah asked taking a sip from his glass.
  "First of let them get settled and comfortable around us and the guys then we can go from there, " Caspian said swirling his drink around in the glass.
  "Okay, but then what about the family. You know how they get." Gerald huffed as he positioned Eliana to lay on his chest.
"We will tell them when the time is right and the twins have adjusted. For now let's get some sleep," Caspian said as he stood up and walked towards Gerald gently taking Caspian from his arms. The young boy did not complain only snuggled closer to Caspian.
  Elijah tried taking Eliana from Gerald but she refused to let go of him. So they decided for her sake and everyone in the house who didn't want to be woken up by crying that Gerald should take her to bed.
   They all headed to bed. Gerald more reluctant than the other two.

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