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   Tension was high in the mansion the whole day. From morning till evening.
    Eliana clung to Enzo like a koala bear and Miguel stayed by his sisters side. Antoine was out the whole day doing who knows what. Everyone knew when he was angry he was like a ticking time bomb. and it was best to stay out of his way. The rest went about their day like normal. Until dinner time.
"Okay, can someone please tell me what's going on," Fernando set his fork down and looked around the table waiting for an answer.
    A pregnant silence fell over the room.
"I've had enough of this." He stood up and disappeared up the stairs.
"Look what you've done . Now dad is mad!" Ben exclaimed at Garret and proceeded to walk away from the table too.
   Eliana looked around the table and tears welled in her eyes. She didn't mean to make her papa sad.
"Oh save the tears. This is all your fault." Garret yelled to her face.
"If you had just stayed out of our lives we wouldn't be hear ...,
"Garret stop," Antoine growled.
"No, it's the truth."
"They are just little kids.  Leave them alone,"
"They should leave us alone."
"We were better off without them."
   They all looked at Eliana.
"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry......"
   She didn't want them to fight over her and her brother. She got up and ran out the room tears streaming down her face. Eliana reached into the back of her closet pulling out a bag and started packing clothes, money and everything her and Miguel would need to sustain themselves for a while. She knew she was intelligent, she was told so by her mom and teachers. Even the doctor said her brain is more developed than most four year old.
    In the dead of night when everyone was fast asleep they left. Miguel was reluctant because he was happy to finally have found a family but his sister was his first family and first priority. Before she passed away he promised his mother to look after her and protect her always. So, if she wanted to leave , he went with her. They were in this together till the end.
     Eliana didn't want it to come to this. She thought having brothers and a family would make her happy but her presence made things worse. They fought because of her. So if they really didn't want her in their lives she would leave. She was going to miss them all. Fernando mostly.  She was happy to finally have a father. Even though it was for a short period of time.
    Fernando woke up the next morning to workout. After hitting the gym, he decided to check on Eliana and Miguel. He slowly pushed their door open . The beds were neat as though they didn't sleep in them. He walked closer and saw a note with 'PAPA' messily scribbled on the front. Sitting down on Miguel's bed, he picked up the note and read it. It was brief but precise. They left because they felt unwelcomed.  A tear slid down his cheek one after the other and just like that he was crying. He just got them back and lost them again. He felt sad but disappointed. Disappointed in his sons for behaving the way they did. They were just children out in the cruel world. 
   That same day during dinner the tension was so thick you could cut through it with a knife.
"Garret, Antoine give me all your electronics when your done eating along with your credit cards and car keys," Fernando said in a moontone and left leaving no room for arguments.
    The boys just stared at each other confused.
    After punishing his sons, Fernando lay in bed thinking of Miguel and Eliana. They were all alone in the world. He was worried, scared for them. He made a vow that night to look for them no matter how long it took.  When he found them he was never going to let them go or feel unloved. If his sons didn't want them, then he would have to find else where to live.
     Those two kids made their way into his stone heart.

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