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''Ohhh'' Maria De La Cruz groaned as she stumbled in the dark hitting her toe on the hallway side table heading for the front door. Earlier she went to each of her sons rooms biding them farewell. Her husband, Santiago De La Cruz, was out of the country on a business trip which gave her enough time to pack.

She ascended the stairs two suitcases in her hands as she looked around one last time. She hoped Santiago will understand she did this to protect him and the boys.

She walked towards the front door and just as her hand reached out ''momma'' a small voice called out. Turning around she saw her youngest son, Elias, standing on the last step of the stairway clutching his teddy.

''Honey i just want you to know that mommy loves you, always and forever,'' she hugged them ''always and forever'' Elias muttered their motto hugging his mother one last time before she left.

She walked down the road stealing one last glance at the house ''goodbye'' she whispherd walking into the dead of night away from her family.

As she sat in that hospital bed Maria looked down at her son and daughter who were asleep on her chest wrapped in the blankets the hospital provided. A smile made it's way to her face. She hoped that her past life wouldn't affect the future of these two angels, they were too pure for the world. She only hoped when they grew up and got to know the truth they would forgive her. She would travel the world to protect them.

''I will always love you my babies, always and forever, no matter what.'' she whispered placing a kiss on each of their heads.

She may not have had the best life in the past but after she met Santiago her life changed in both ways, good and bad. The bad part was the reason she left Santiago but that was behind her because right now her main priorities were her babies. Miguel and Eliana Ramirez De La Cruz.


So this is my third story and i hope you all like it.

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