⁂⸸ Chapter 3 ⁂⸸

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Hearing the door creak opened I turn my head to see Henry enter the room. "Do you know who he is Aunt DD?" I shake my head no at Henry as he stands on the other side of John.

"I don't know who he is, but I feel like I should. There is some sort of connection I feel when I am near him, but I do not understand it. I know it is not a romantic one just a safe one." Henry looks at me in thought and nods his head.

"Is Mr. Doe going to be okay, Aunt Dais?" Henry asks me after a little thought, "His name's not John Doe, Simba. That's just what they call people when they don't know who they are." I explain to Henry both my hands still holding John Doe's

"What's wrong with him?" Henry and his curious mind coming into play now. "I don't know. One day I'm walking around town. And there he was, I found him and brought him here straight away."

"Does he have any family or friends?" Henry asks. "No one's claimed him." I answer him. "So, he's all alone?" "Yeah... But I come and see him every second day. Make sure he has some company, I read to him, sing, or just sit and talk.

Henry looks at me with a thinking face again. "You sure you don't know him?" Henry asks me again, "Yes Simba, I'm sure." Before Henry can question me anymore Mary Margret comes into the room and tells Henry he should go help the other students.

Mary stares at John doe as I walk to the door to help the kids as well. "You ok Mary Margret?" she turns to me and nods before following me out the door.

~ Enchanted forest - Dungeon ~

Third P.O.V

"Hold me close
Through the night
Don't let me go, we'll be alright
Touch my soul and hold it tight
I've been waiting all my life
I won't scar your young heart
Just take my hand

Cause I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you"

50 lines, surrounded the walls of the dungeon that one Adaline Rose is forced to be in.

50 lines ago since she had felt fresh air.

50 lines ago since she had last seen her love.

50 lines ago since she was outside.

50 lines ago of having dreams with angry Mikaelsons due to where she is

50 lines ago since the man has put her in here has left his castle.

50 lines ago since she has used her magic.

50 lines ago of singing the same song repeatedly to herself to keep sane.

50 lines ago since her so called brother Rumpelstiltskin took her hostage and locked her away in his castle.

Adaline Rose has been trapped in her brother's castle for 50 days, a magic cuff stuck on her wrist preventing her from using her magic to escape. 50 days of knowing no one Is coming to her rescue.

~ Storybooke – Henry's castle ~


Sitting at Henry's castle with Emma and Henry after getting an urgent call from the boy.

"I found your father- Prince Charming." Emma looking hesitant tries to stop Henry but Henry being persistent keeps going. "He's in the hospital, in a coma. See the scar? He has one, too."

"So? Lots of people have scars." Emma still not being convinced and Henry really trying to get Emma to see the right the obvious "in the same place? Don't you see what this means? The curse is keeping them apart with the coma. Now they're stuck without each other. We have to tell Miss Blanchard we found her Prince Charming."

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