• north

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" i need more time,
i need to get away from here
pour my love out"

- 𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙝, 𝙗𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙣


• five months after potential •

it had been a month since Timmy distanced himself from me. Every single day we didn't talk i got worse. I've always struggled with depression and anxiety since i was a kid but when i met Timothée everything seemed to get better. When we talked every day he brought so much happiness into my life, he was like a drug and now i was going through withdrawal. We still talk all the time but i only see him when we're filming.


"it's all happening William" i moved closer and grabbed the guitar off the stand and walked over to Timmy.

"penny...how can you keep saying
that over and over again after what just
happened" Timmy huffed and ran his fingers
through his hair and i stared at him blankly

"i guess i'm just used to it" i shrugged

"You shouldn't have to be. Fuck Penny he
just threw a fucking beer bottle at you
an-and YOUR USED TO IT" i laugh at how
protective he is "why the fuck are you laughing,
you need to wake up and come back to
the real world and realise that he doesn't
love you" i scoffed

"and how would you know what love
is... How can you just sit there and
judge me when i know for a fucking
fact that you're just gonna publish
this story for a couple of bucks" I pointed my
finger at him and jabbed at each and
every word like it was my right

"you know i wouldn't do that" he looked
down in embarrassment

"of course you are, that's
the only reason you're here!" i
spat at him

"That was before... before i got to know
you" i shook my head at him and pushed my
hand into my forehead

"no, please stop please, before-"


just can't, okay" Timmy twitched on
the bed and put his head in his lap

"penny he doesn't love you okay,
but i do okay...
He doesn't deserve you"

"oh and you do"

"i'm better than him" i scoffed and started
pacing around the room

"fuck you Miller,
fuck. you." i stormed off and didn't
look back once.

"CUT...okay really good job guys, i think that wraps us up for today" I skipped over to Timmy and smiled at him brightly.

"do you wanna hang out at mine after we get changed" Timmy smiled and nodded at me. Greta was staring at the monitor when i walked past but she called me over. I quickly walked up to her side and stood waiting for her criticism.

"Bowie, that was incredible. I'm so proud of you" My face instantly turned up a smile and i thanked her before walking off into my trailer. When i got in i found myself staring at the mirror on the vanity. The familiar sinking feeling dropped in me and i saw tears start to well in my eyes. The first tear dropped and broke the seal for the rest to fall down. I got changed while tears pooled down my face. Once i was done i walked back over to the vanity and watched a tear race down my cheek leaving a heavy trail of mascara. I let out the heavy sobs that i was trying so desperately to suppress.

.𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗶𝗱.       𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚́𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙩Where stories live. Discover now