The story of the photo (part 1)

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"What's so special about this picture, Kongpob?" His mother asks him as they curl on the sofa together.

"Oh..." Kongpob immediately starts to blush. He sneaks a glance over at his Mom and thinks about how he should answer her. More secrets are not a good idea at the moment, but this is another huge one that might hurt his parents feelings even more.

He takes a deep breath. Then he launches into the story, leaving only a few of the more intimate details out.

"It was our second Valentine's Day together..."

"Why do we have to leave so early?" Arthit groaned, twisting in his sheets to face his boyfriend, who was holding out a cup of pink milk with an expectant expression on his face.

"You know why..." Kongpob replied, depositing the drink into his boyfriend's hands and making it steady before he let go. His fingertips grazed the back of Arthit's soft skin and for a second Kongpob was tempted by the thought of crawling back into the warmth of his lover's arms.

But he steeled himself and took a step away from the bed folding his arms across his chest. "Come on P'Arthit," he whined, puppy eyes in place, "Leaving early means longer at the beach, just us! We already discussed this."

"I know," Arthit breathed out, eyes locking on Kong's, "I just don't want to move." Then he dropped his drink on the bedside table and reached out to slide his fingers through Kongpob's, "One minute more?" He asked, tugging lightly on his boyfriend's arm and pulling him down to rest against his chest.

Kongpob felt warm arms encircle him and sighed in agreement, one minute more couldn't harm.

"Needless to say, we were kind of late setting off and ended up in a huge fight in the car."

"Kong! There was a gap, why didn't you take it?" Arthit asked, voice harsher than he'd like, but frustration filling his body and making him tense.

Kongpob ground his teeth and ignored the suggestion, fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter as he navigated the traffic on the highway. He wasn't a very confident driver and much preferred his motorbike to weave in and out of the busy lanes. But they were travelling much too far for that. So he continued to ignore P'Arthit's grumbles and focussed on moving smoothly past the enormous noisy trucks.

When they finally reached Rayong, he could feel the tension leave his shoulders. Arthit had managed to settle down and looked much more relaxed than before and they turned to grin at one another as they found a parking spot right by their favourite beach.

"Perfect!" Kongpob exhaled, rolling his shoulders as he stepped out of the car, "This is exactly where I want to be..." he paused and turned to his partner, looping an arm around his neck, and then whispered against his skin, "And exactly who I want to be with."

Arthit blushed a pretty red colour and ducked his head before pulling away from Kong, "Not here, Kongpob!" He hissed out, glancing around them to see who might have noticed.

Kong simply grinned, well aware of his boyfriend's behaviour and turned to open the trunk of the car. But before he could, Arthit stuck out a hand to stop him.

"No, no," he said firmly, turning Kong away by his shoulders, "You go find the perfect spot, I'll bring our things."

"You can't carry everything, P!" Kong insisted, but Arthit was having none of it and pressed strong fingers against Kong's back, giving him a shove towards the beach.

"You drove, I'll carry," he said, pushing him once more. Kong slunk away, aware that his P meant business.

A little while later, Kongpob laughed aloud as his P approached, 2 bags slung over his shoulder, a pair of hats perched on his head, beach towels, blanket and coolers in his arms. His face was a little red and he was huffing slightly. "Jeez Kongpob, we're practically back in Pattaya with how far you've walked!" He grunted, as he flung one armload of things onto the soft, white sand.

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