Kongpob and M's school friends

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It's been a long time since Kongpob saw his old friends from school. Aside from M, he had drifted away from them as they all battled against the difficulty of an intense university course. But he's stayed in touch. They have a group chat that's filled with rambled thoughts and the occasional suggestion of a meet-up that simply never happens.

But today it is. He and M are determined. They've abandoned their studying, abandoned P'Arthit and May, and are on the bus headed to a cafe on the outskirts of Bangkok, nearer to their friend's university.

"Ummm, Kongpob," M says as they settle on the very back row, bouncing a little as the bus picks up speed.

"Yes, M?" He asks, already knowing what his friend is going to say.

"Do you plan to tell them? About you and P'Arthit?" M mumbles, a little unsure of himself. Unsure if it's something Kong wants to discuss at all.

But he's pleased when his best friend turns to face him and smiles. "I talked with P'Arthit about this, M. I suppose the biggest issue is that they think I'm straight. I dated Jayda in high school, so they've never seen me with P'Arthit. And I guess they also have access to my parents. If they mentioned it in passing to one of their parents and they told mine... well. I wouldn't be okay with that. I want to be the one to tell my parents. When the time is right."

"Of course," M agrees, nodding along and smiling at the careful logic of his friend. He would have made a good Economics student for sure, M thinks.

They arrive in good time and are settled with drinks when their buddies holler out their names. There are three of them: Ryn, Llong and Betta. They stand and exchange hugs, exclaiming at the physical differences since they last met.

"Has it really been two years?" Betta asks, throwing himself on the couch and scrutinising his oldest friends. "Ai'Kong you've gotten taller! And Ai'M, your face is thinner!"

M grins at him, nodding along and smiling as he explains it's due to the intensity of their course and the lack of time to eat.

"But your girlfriend must help with that, eh, M!" Llong laughs, causing M's cheeks to heat up even as he offers a wide smile.

"Yes she's amazing!" He agrees, launching into a story about eating dinner at midnight that she hung on his doorknob because she knew how stressed he was.

It sends Kongpob's thoughts spinning as he thinks back on that night too, face flushing a little as he remembers Arthit forcing his way into M's room. Remembers his boyfriend insisting that he needed to come home right now and sleep because there was no way he was learning anything while he was so exhausted.

The rest of the juniors spread through the room had stared at the ex-head hazer in shock; Oak's mouth might even have dropped open. It had taken a few seconds for what he had said to catch up with Arthit, and then his boyfriend had blushed bright red, pointed a finger at Kongpob and said "Now, Kongpob!" in his most furious voice, before marching out of the door.

Kongpob had taken the jokes from his friends good-naturedly, but when he left the room and found Arthit leaning against the wall, face still red, he hadn't been able to resist teasing him too. "You want me to come where, P?" He had asked, voice quiet, yet still so loud in the empty corridor.

Arthit had stared at him for a really long time, cheeks darkening even more as he breathed out, "Home. Please, Kongpob, come home."

The kiss even surprised Kongpob, but hearing P'Arthit call his room their home did all kinds of funny things to his body and he had sort of just fallen on his P and their lips had just happened to catch on each other.

Arthit had allowed him to kiss him for almost ten seconds (a new record outside of his room, their home!) before he'd pulled away and slid an arm over his shoulders.

"Home?" He'd asked in his softest voice.

"Home." Kongpob had agreed.

His thoughts must be bare to see on his face, because Ryn is smiling at him and slyly asking if the campus Moon has found himself a girlfriend too? And then they are all teasing him as he flushes at their suggestions.

Unable to banish the blush from his cheeks, he gives them a grin and excuses himself to the bathroom. M is left to entertain their friends with stories of their time at university, and as he leaves he hears him talking about their experiences as hazers.

When he returns, after splashing his cheeks with cool water, M is sitting straight in his chair, an apologetic look on his face, while the rest stare at him curiously.

"So," Betta starts, not one to beat around the bush, "Your boyfriend called, Kongpob."

Kong stares at them all, trying to gauge if there is judgment in their eyes, before he drops into his seat and lifts his phone to see the missed call.

"Ummm, boyfriend?" He repeats, unsure how they've come to this conclusion.

"So you don't deny it?" Llong cackles, fist bumping Ryn as they turn to him with identical grins.

Kongpob turns to M, eager to see what they think they know and why, and his friend raises his arms defensively as he spurts out a trail of consciousness, "See, we were talking about the hazers.. and why we decided to join up... and I mentioned P'Arthit and they asked me what he was like... and then they asked why we would put up with him... and I said... and..."

"And you said?" Kongpob asks softly, staring at M.

"He said," Betta starts, taking pity on both of his friends, "That it was because you and he became close. Then your phone rang and his picture flashed up and when it stopped, this picture flashed up." Betta clicks Kongpob's screen and there they are, he and Arthit, staring at each other, love painted across their soft smiles.

Kongpob clears his throat and slips his phone from Betta's fingers, eyes lingering on Arthit's face as he gathers his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Kong," M says, face looking miserable, "I didn't mean for them to find out, especially after we talked on the way here."

Kong turns to tell him it's okay, but is interrupted by Llong who reaches for his arm and turns him to face them all, "Kong? Why does it matter if we know? Why would you keep your relationship a secret? We're your oldest friends, we're not going to judge you for being in love. No matter who you're in love with!"

Kongpob coughs again, looking away for a second. His feelings are overwhelming him and he isn't sure what he should say.

But it is M who breaks the silence, "We knew you wouldn't care who Kong loves..." Ryn giggles at M's words, "But Kong hasn't told his parents..."

"And he wouldn't want it to get out accidentally?" Betta concludes, reaching out for Kong's arm. "We would never betray your trust, Kong! Even if we haven't been close for a long time. You're still one of our best friends and we wouldn't speak on your behalf. You can trust us with your happiness!"

The others agree, slapping Kong on the shoulder and starting up a litany of questions about Arthit.

Slowly, Kongpob relaxes and his face settles into a pleased grin, and then he takes control of the storytelling because M is going to kill them if he continues with his...

"It all started when Kong told Arthit he was going to make him his wife..." M says with glee!

Kongpob's white t-shirt breathes its last breath as all three of his friends splutter beer over him in surprise!

And later, when Arthit calls again, he answers it in front of his friends and they all hoot and holler down the phone and it's like he can feel P'Arthit's pleased embarrassment all the way from the other side of Bangkok.

And everything is fine!

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