M sees..

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It's funny when it's M who sees it.

He truly does a double take as he locks the screen and spots the picture there and Kongpob can't help the little giggle that slips through his lips.

"Is that...?" M begins, eyes darting between his friend's shining eyes and the photo which has begun to fade to black.

"It is." Kongpob confirms, eyes watching M's enlarge once more.

"But he never... I mean...he doesn't really..." Then M hesitates to continue as he watches Kongpob's expression change from excitement to something he'd describe as pure love.

"Sometimes he does..." is all he says before scooping up the phone and patting M's shoulder.

M watches him leave, a smile of his own quirking up his lips at Kongpob's clear delight. It's good to see his friend so happy and so in love.

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