Finally coming to an agreement, MSBY as a team headed out and to their local izakaya. It wasn't far, the nearest was no longer than a fifteen minute walk at best.

Once they got there, Meian and Foster got a booth for nine. It was a bit of a hassle getting everyone seated, but the second they were, drinks were already headed over their way.

"I'd like to make a toast," Meian started, earning everyone at the booth's attention. "To our first official win!"

"To our first official win!" Everyone repeated happily, all bringing their mugs together before taking a drink.

Some joyous laughter and smiles were shared between the team, giving their evening a great start. And when all their post-win rowdiness died down, everyone found themselves having conversations about their play.

Inunaki, Bokuto, Hinata, Barnes, and Atsumu were all excitedly chatting away about something — while Foster, Meian, Sakusa and Adriah were all having a calmer conversation about team tactics and some things that'd be vital to make notes on for the next time they were against the Adlers.

Overall, the evening was starting out great, and as far as anyone was concerned — it was only bound to get better.

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Like thought, MSBY's night had only gotten better, as with the hours that past, the more lighthearted everyone felt. Which obviously may or may not have been caused from the alcohol, but regardless, they all still felt great.

A good three hours had passed, and with nine rolling around it seemed most the team was pushing their limits with drinks — most really seemed to be party spirits; Atsumu included.

Atsumu, had gotten borderline wasted, alongside Bokuto, Barnes, Meian, and Foster while a few others like Hinata, Inunaki, and Sakusa were the tiniest bit past tipsy. Sakusa very well could've, and would've gotten wasted like most, if not for the fact he had to make sure Atsumu got home without passing out in the street.

Speak of the devil — The ravenette glanced to his left, looking at an overly unstable Atsumu. Said blonde was red in the face and slurring his words, all while laughing away about something with Bokuto.

Sakusa wouldn't admit it, but seeing the other all red and giggly was rather.. cute.

"'Tsumu, come on, we're gonna head out." The dark-haired called, lightly tapping the blondes shoulder to get his attention.

"Wha-.. no 'm okay.." Atsumu slurred, a drunken giggle following after his words.

"Glad to know you're okay, but I wasn't asking." Sakusa sighed as he got up, then gestured for Atsumu to do so as well.

The blonde simply stared at him for a minute, saying nothing in response before shaking his head and sticking out his tongue. Which earned a bitter eye roll from Sakusa, followed by a barely audible scoff.

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