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"Do you remember the 12th time I've confessed to you?" Sana nudged the Demon Queen with a Smirk

Tzuyu rolled her eyes before Answering "Yes, Sana. You were such a bothersome runt."

"I know. No matter how much I tried, You kept on killing me Anyway!" She whined and Crossed her Arms before Glaring playfully at Tzuyu

"Seriously. I don't get how you could just disregard the fact that I'm the Demon queen. Hello? Humanity's #1 enemy?" She waved her arms around in Disbelief

Sana shrugged "It's Not Like I care. I Loved you so much that I even recruited my Friend Jeongyeon and Some licensed Adventurers to Conquer you! And So you'd agree to marry me..." She whispered the last part

The demon Queen Scowled "Just what is wrong with you, and Who the hell in their right mind would come up with Such a Plan!?" She was about to reach over and Smack Sana's head but the Latter backed away "I'm sorry! It was Ms. Nayeon's Idea!" She apologized

"Nayeon—That snake," Tzuyu growled

"But still, Despite my Underhanded methods, You've still easily kicked my Butt...You're really something else." Sana muttered dreamily "Though I must confess...You actually almost killed me Foreal! I was stuck in my casket for days!"

Tzuyu Scoffed in Tzundere "Hmp. No one to blame but Yourself."

"True...It's a good thing Jeongyeon rescued me and told me off right in my face, But too bad she got hit by a Speeding carriage right after." She laughed before she felt wind Zoom behind her

A wild ostrich has Appeared

Jeongyeon glared at Sana "Excuse me, But is that part even relevant to the Recap?" She gritted her Teeth

Sana's eyes went wide "O-Oh wow. Jeongie, You just appeared out of Nowhere..." Sana stammered, Backing away from The girl who had her Fists clenched

"I heard the Fourth wall was being Renovated so I won't let you Stain my Reputation any further!" Jeongyeon then proceeded to Strangle Sana when she was at reach "Poor pookas, They have extra work because of the Already broken Fourth wall."

"W-Wait! Stop!" She tried to stop her but it was no Use. The ostrich was Angry.

Tzuyu, Who was Silently watching their bickering, Stared at the Fourthwall "Right, Sana stopped coming to the Tower after our fight. She Must not know how much she made me Worry..." She said, behind her was Sana and Jeongyeon wresting

"I was worried that she might have Actually died...But it's not like I wanted to see her again!" Tzuyu scoffed and rolled her eyes

"However, Jihyo. Our demon Researcher, Told me that she was a Valuable source of Power for the Demon Tower." She turned her body and drifted her Eyes at Sana who was getting beaten to a Pulp by Jeongyeon

"That's why the moment my Subordinates found her Lurking outside the Tower," A chuckle left her Lips, The corners curling up elegantly "I had to catch her." But she sighed when she remembered Something else "Even at the Cost of my Dignity."


After Jeongyeon got Satisfied beating up Sana, She left the Two. But not before Kicking Sana who was already on the Floor, Tired.

"We both went through a lot of Trouble, Huh, Queen Tzu?" Here she goes with the Nickname again "Still, I'm glad we were About to sort things out." Sana managed to Squeeze out despite being Breathless

"I've bothered you a lot, so I thought to ought to Never bother you Again." She smiled tiredly at Tzuyu who was sitting up and Observing her "But then, You told me that It's alright. You said I could still come over and See you whenever I please."

"You're really too kind...Do I really Deserve your Kindness, Queen Tzu?" Sana started sobbing, while Tzuyu started to panic, Still not knowing how to Understand Human emotions 

"Shut up. I don't want your Ugly sobbing." She said in Monotone

"But I'm really happy!" She smiled while Attempting to wipe the Tears of Joy "I can't wait to see you again, Queen Tzu!" Sana cheered while Tzuyu groaned in annoyance

"Me too. But try not to give me a Headache next time, 'kay?" She whispered the First part "I wonder what would happen in book 2?" Tzuyu wondered out loud

Sana hummed, before a Little blue birdie perched on her Shoulder, It had a Small envelope in Between its beak.

She took it from the Bird Softly before it flew away, She observed the front. It said 'Book 2 plot'

"Oh, this must be from the Author!" Tzuyu watched her while She tore it open, It revealed a Crumpled Letter

"And they got even Closer." Tzuyu unconsciously read aloud, It made Sana smirk but when she saw the Next lines, It dropped. "But someone stands in their way?" She scowled

"What's that supposed to mean?!" They screamed in Unison and turned their head to the Fourth wall at the Same time, Glaring daggers at it.

The Mage and Demon Queen, Book 2

Coming soon

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