𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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"I am a Queen," you grumbled to yourself. "And one of these days I am actually going to buy myself a horse instead of being squished between Arod's neck and Legolas."

"Aw, I thought you loved me Y/N," your boyfriend teased.

"I do!" you exclaimed immediately. "There's just literally no room on this fucking horse."

Gandalf sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if the Dunedain made the right choice to elect you as their leader."


"Where's the army?" Pippin interrupted a probably extensive argument you were gearing up to start, peering through the holes of his helmet.

You looked around Arod's neck, seeing that there was, indeed, the noticeable absence of a several-thousand-monster army. "Well, shit."

Aragorn stared silently for a couple seconds, before tilting his head subtly towards the Black Gate you were in front of. Legolas kicked Arod forward, as did Gandalf, and Eomer on the horse he shared with Gimli since his spot with Legolas had been taken by you, ever since you'd started courting.

"Sauron!" Aragorn yelled, and you were impressed by the levels of noise his voice could reach. "Show your face, you fucking coward!"

There was an awkward silence, but the Gate actually creaked open.

"Shit, I didn't think that would work," Gimli admitted. Aragorn treated him to a withering glare.

"Um," Eomer spoke up, pointing at where a horse and rider were nearing by the second. "I know I'm new, but I'm 90% sure that's not Sauron."

"Correct," the thing answered, and you couldn't help letting your lip wrinkle in disgust. "My Master bids thee welcome."

It was hooded, but you could see its horrifically large mouth as it bared its teeth in an awful attempt at a smile. You couldn't look at it, and decided to turn your face away.

"Tell your Master this," Gandalf insisted, holding the gaze of the Mouth. "We're not making deals. We're here to banish him, for once and for all."

"And if he doesn't get it ugly ass out, the-"



The Mouth just laughed. "What a poor excuse for a Wizard. Can't even keep his little travelling companions under control! But never mind that - the Eye has a token for you."

It threw something at your face, and you barely grabbed it, tuning out the Mouth's dry laughter as you stared down at your hands.

A pearly vest of mithril that twinkled in the low light.

"No ..." tears filled your eyes and you fisted the mithril so tightly that it cut into your palms. You'd given up so much for this journey, every single member of the Fellowship, and to have it just end like this ...

"Calm down, melleth nin," Legolas whispered in your ear. "There is still hope."

You let a few angry tears fall down your cheeks before you swiped furiously at your eyes. One way or another, this would end today.

You tuned back in to the current exchange, hearing the two remaining hobbits wail loudly.

"One Halfling suffered so much pain," the Mouth lamented with faked sympathy. "I did not think it to be possible."

Aragorn spurred his horse forward and beheaded it, anger glinting in his eyes as the hood fell to the ground.

"When they said don't shoot the messenger, I didn't think that they meant decapitation as a second option," you mumbled.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 | 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐟Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora