𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧

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You struggled, but the old Wizard's grip never wavered.

In the party below, you saw Merry, Pippin, many Ents wandering Isengard, Gandalf, Gimli, Aragorn, and ... Legolas.

He still looked so similar - the long blond hair, his carefully emotionless face that you knew meant he was hiding feelings he didn't know how to deal with, his bow and arrows, the cloak he'd used to cover you in the Mines of Moria, which seemed to have been an eternity ago. You wanted to cry and scream, to have him hold you until the End of the World (which could be much sooner than anyone was prepared for), but you couldn't even evade capture by a wrinkled Wizard.

Some Queen you are, Y/N Y/L/N.

To your surprise, Saruman didn't acknowledge the quietly talking Fellowship below when he spoke first (aside from the earlier death threats that were becoming annoying familiar), instead addressing Theoden.

"You have fought many wars, King of Rohan. Do you not grow weary of bloodshed and loss? Could we gather in peace and counsel as we did before? My old friend?"

The King glared as he yelled, his words barely audible. "We shall only have peace upon your death! For, until then, I shall not rest in the face of evil!"

"Halt this nonsense, Saruman!" Gandalf called, and you almost smiled at the recognisable undertone he used whenever he desperately wanted to swear but considered it inappropriate. "You were trusted by the Enemy - you could help save the thousands that are still in danger!"

"I will not," Saruman growled stubbornly. "You will all die - Sauron the Dark Power has seen it! Great power will draw blood from all of you to water Middle-Earth and allow greatness to grow."

Your Elvish ears caught a whisper Gimli said to your melleth: "I've had enough of this. Just stick a fucking arrow in his face and let's get Y/N."

You wanted to laugh, but it stuck in your throat when the staff at your throat provided another reminder of the dire situation you were in. It could be seconds before you died - if you had come tantalisingly close to being able to touch Legolas again, but ... no. You refused to think that way.

You had to be able to touch him again.

Legolas reached for an arrow, but Gandalf stopped him with a shout. "No! Saruman - you still can redeem yourself."

You stared down at the group whilst Saruman thought silently, your eyebrows furrowing. Something felt wrong ... there was tension in all their expressions. And suddenly - fear, shock, worry.

"Y/N, move, now!" Legolas yelled.

The pure emotion in his voice fuelled your body enough to spin to the side when Saruman least expected it, making his arms loose enough for you to fall to the side.

Now, you could see why his grip had loosened.

Grima, who had stood behind Saruman, held a bloodied knife, and red stained the Wizard's robes. He fell forwards, off the balcony.

Two arrows stuck out of Grima's neck with Legolas's fletchings. The servant of Saruman fell face down in a pool of his Master's blood.

And Saruman himself ...

You pulled yourself to the edge of the balcony, covering your mouth and feeling like you were about to throw up when you saw him impaled on the wheel of spikes that had stopped you from escaping earlier, his body as limp as a ragdoll.

"Y/N, just stay there!" Legolas yelled. "We'll get up to you."

You rolled away from the edge onto your back, closing your eyes and acutely feeling dozens of points of pain, most of which were bleeding. You'd hung on for so long ... you didn't know how much longer you could last.

Soft footfalls skidded to your side, and Legolas pulled your head onto his lap, despite all the blood you'd surely be getting on his clothes.

"What did they do?" he whispered, sounding horrified and scared.

You managed to crack a smile, just for him. "I-It's no big deal. I deal with the Uruk-hai everyday, r-right? J-just part of the job."

Your voice was soon reduced to no more than a vague shiver. Legolas shook his head, laughing weakly.

"You're the one that's half-dead, and you're making me feel better."

You raised a hand to his cheek, brushing it, then pulling away as fast as you could when you realised you'd smeared blood over his face. "It is because I love you, melleth nin."

"I love you as well," he promised, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Come on. We need to patch you up."

"It might be too late," you lowered your head, succumbing to the hopelessness. "I-I don't know if I can-"

"You can," Legolas promised, interrupting kindly. "You're the strongest person I know, Y/N. I have no idea what they did to you, but you need to fight through the pain. We're going to make sure that you're okay."

"O-okay," you murmured, as he got to his feet, holding you securely in his arms. "Okay."

You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes.

He was here. And you'd never have to be apart again ... hopefully.


Aragorn didn't know what Legolas would find up at the top of the Tower - Y/N had looked in awful condition.

"Please be okay, gwathel nin," he whispered to himself, probably forgetting everyone could hear him. "Because if you aren't, then I ..."

He cut himself off at the sight of Legolas carrying Y/N in his arms. To put it in the kindest possible way: Y/N looked like shit. Some blood dripped off her onto her boyfriend's clothes, more remained plastered over her body, meaning the wounds had to have been open for a while.

Aragorn rushed towards Legolas, to where he set Y/N gently on the floor.

"She need medicine, and quick healing," Legolas explained. "We must find athelas, bandages, and a place for her to rest if- once she gets better."

Aragorn caught the Elf's slip of 'if', and he winced, but he nodded, scooping up his sister into his arms, this time. "Alright. She'll ... She'll be okay."

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