𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐫 + 𝐘/𝐍 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝

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Gimli, standing on a table: *about to do an impression of Gandalf*
Merry: Do it! We won't film it, I promise!
Pippin: Oh, we're totally gonna film it.

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Gandalf: So, I want you to copy my exact movements. *complicated series of steps and twirls*
Y/N: *does it, trips, barely stops herself from falling flat on her face*
Aragorn: *laughs in amusement and concern*

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Elrond: No one is doing anything! No one is brave enough!
Frodo: *angry arm wiggles*
Sam: *graceful annoyed motions that could be mistaken as dancing*

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The Fellowship: *questionable dancing*
Legolas: *cartwheels*
Galadriel: *walks in* what song is this?
The Fellowship: nothing-

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Boromir: *killing Orcs*
Boromir: *swings and misses*
Aragorn: *wiggles arms supportively like that one parent at a soccer game*

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Y/N, hugging Legolas: I've got five minutes before I need to go home - I'll go with you back to Mirkwood!
Legolas: No, don't do that, it's too far.
Aragorn: *confused but smiling as he clearly eavesdrops*

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Elrond: Aragorn's having a moment with Arwen
Y/N: *raises eyebrows*
Elrond: I don't know what kind of moment
Y/N and Legolas: *sniggering*

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Celeborn: *sees the Fellowship rolling on the floor doing the wap dance and screaming*
Celeborn: Just, like ... wap quietly?
Celeborn: Unless any of you can do a flip-

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Aragorn, mouthing to Arwen: she loves Legolas.
Arwen: you love Legoland?

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Elrond: *confuses the Fellowship with the Company repeatedly*

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Gandalf: I am in Spain without the s.

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Gandalf, at the Gates of Moria: I reckon we'll try one more time, and if that doesn't work, then we just give up. Life lessons, guys!
Gandalf: I seem to be giving up a lot recently.

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