𝐨𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Aragorn and Gimli ordered you to have at least another day of bed rest, like the overprotective 'brothers' they were, but after that, you could move just like you had been able to at Helm's Deep (which seemed forever ago).

There was a scar running from the left side of your hairline to your left eyebrow, another, larger one across your stomach, and a long, permanent reminder of your struggles on your right bicep, all the way from your shoulder to your elbow.

Most Elves were strong enough in combat that they didn't get scars. Legolas assured you it was because you were only half Elf, and you'd been captured and specifically weakened, but you still felt weak every time you gazed upon your own body.

But there was still a war going on, and there was no time for such reminiscing or regrets.

Gandalf had already given the Four Hunters your next mission - come with the bulk of the army from Rohan towards Minas Tirith, then at Dunharrow would the four of you seperate from everyone else, and take the Paths of the Dead to enlist the help of a ghost army.

"Sounds like a load of bullshit to me," you muttered. "But go off, I guess."

Aragorn smacked the back of your head. "Come on, we need to go. And no one here understands your young talk."

You scowled. "I can't control the fact that the three of you are all older than my grandparents."

Gimli just sighed. "Y/N, get on the horse."

You laughed as you swung up and over, relishing the feeling of return to normalcy.

- - -

The temporary camp at Dunharrow was ... far smaller than you'd expected.

"This isn't good," you muttered. "We'll need a lot more people to even get close to defeating the thousands of Orcs that are sure to be there."

"We need to uphold the same hope we had at Helm's Deep," Legolas said. "Hope is light, and light is stronger than darkness."

"I got abducted at Helm's Deep," you grumbled.

"But this time I will be by your side for the entire thing. So will Aragorn and Gimli, and a shit ton of ghosts! We got this, I promise."

You had to laugh at his words as you snatched yourself a piece of meat from a nearby fire. "I guess we do."

With Gimli off telling Eowyn stories like that one annoying uncle everyone has, and Aragorn in a command tent you and Legolas hadn't been invited to, you had a little bit more time to talk to Legolas.

"Sorry about melting down the other day," you finally managed to say, leaning against a tree and feeding Arod from the palm of your hand. "I shouldn't've dumped that on you."


Legolas grabbed your shoulders so you were pressed up against the trees, and he had bent down a little bit so he could lock eyes with you. "Do not ever think of yourself as a burden. You are loved, and needed, and I will always be here to talk to if you need me. Everyone needs to melt down once in a while, right?"

"Right." You allowed your lips to curl up in an awkward smile, shrugging his hands off your shoulders and wrapping your arms around his chest.

His hands drifted to your waist, pulling you into him so close you could hear his steady heartbeat, as he rested his chin on his head and stroked your h/c hair slowly.

"Y/N! Legolas!"

You disentangled yourself from Legolas, tilting your head as you concentrated. Thanks to your Elven hearing, you could tell that Aragorn was looking for you from the command tent.

Wordlessly, you took Arod's reins and walked side by side with him, though you made sure to smile gratefully at Legolas.

Really, where would you be without him?

Upon arriving at the command tent, you saw Aragorn staring at the dirt-packed ground, eyebrows crunched together in concentration. A shiny, silver sword hung from his right hand.

You barely contained a gasp. "Aragorn. Is that ...?"

He followed your gaze, looking down at his fist. "Yes. Andúril, flame of the west, reforged from the shards of Narsil, sword of Isildur."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" you asked him quietly. It wasn't that you doubted your brother - you never had, not once. But this burden was alike to one man carrying a mountain on his back, and the price of the acceptance of such a blade and responsibilities was too high for many to pay.

Aragorn, lifeless, staring at nothing, lying on wet cobblestones in the middle of a storm with his body broken, Andúril gleaming like a torch.

You shook your head to clear away the awful image as Aragorn responded, "I was never sure. But I must be ready."

Legolas came forwards, nodding with wise understanding as his blue eyes briefly flickered to the sword. "The oath we swore as the Fellowship still stands. We fight by your side."

Aragorn smiled, though the curve of his mouth looked saddened. "Thank you, my friends, my family."

The army had already begun to pack up camp around you, and you supposed that was your cue.

Gimli was hoisted upon Arod, despite his many protests ("Dwarves are excellent sprinters!") only shutting up when you fired back at him ("Need I remind you of the plains on the way to Isengard?").

Legolas awkwardly fidgeted with his bow, tracing the swirls on its bark with a careful finger. You re-checked your scabbards, making sure your twin swords and at least two daggers were still on your person.

The cave that had taken half an hour to get to opened in front of you. You'd dragged your feet, not exactly eager to enter a realm of ghosts.

"Are you scared, melleth nin?" Legolas whispered. It did not feel appropriate to talk above that soft volume.

"Perhaps," you admitted.

"I do not fear the dead," he responded. "But I will protect you, I swear it."

You remembered how he had reassured you this way at the entrance to the Ent-Wood as well. You didn't need a knight in shining armour, and you certainly weren't a damsel in distress, but ... you were glad to have Legolas by your side.

You strode forwards. Onwards, again.

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