𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧

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You let your hand linger in the water as you stood in it waist-deep, laying the final flowers around Boromir's body. The water was pleasantly cool, although everything was pleasant when it wasn't covered in blood that became disgustingly familiar.

"Here." Aragorn placed his broken horn with him.

You hated how you'd been too late when its final call had rung through the air. You hated everything, to be honest, and it was far too evident when you realised your previously trailing hand had clenched into a fist.

"Easy, melleth."

It appeared you weren't the only one who noticed your tenseness, as two fair hands gently unwrapped your fingers and held your hand.

"None of us are to blame for this, Y/N, least of all you," Legolas continued, walking with you in the direction of the boats. "Come on, there are decisions to make."

"When did it get like this?" you whispered sadly. "When did we only have four members of the Fellowship left? When did a band of Orcs take away all our hope and strength?"

"Hey, hey," Legolas stopped, turning around and putting his hands securely on your shoulders. "We can't think like that - otherwise they've already won. They haven't taken everything. We still have Aragorn and Gimli, and, most importantly, we have each other. You and me - we've got this, okay?"

"Okay," you smiled, and this time you moved towards him, on your tiptoes in the lapping water, and wrapped your arms around him. Legolas leaned towards you, both of his hands lightly resting on your cheeks as he kissed you.

You could've sworn every kiss was better than the last, and this one made you feel safe and happy. Legolas's arms were home, really, far more than any place had ever been for her.

You both splashed through the water as it became less and less shallow, until you were back with Aragorn and Gimli, who were discussing something tensely.

"Sam and Frodo did not go far," Legolas said, preparing one of the boats. "We can catch them by sundown."

Aragorn stayed where he was, unmoving. You narrowed your eyes, easily able to read his intentions as always. "We're not going to Mordor any longer, are we? We're going after the Orc party."

"Sam and Frodo's quest is now to venture into the Lands of Sauron," Aragorn confirmed. "We will be of no help to them any longer. But what we can do is occupy Sauron long enough so that they can slip past his Eye. That is Middle-Earth's last hope now."

"Us," Gimli finished, gripping his grimy axe with a confident grin. "They can come at us, but we're not so easily defeated. Eh, lassie?"

He winked at you and you laughed, climbing into the boat you shared with Legolas. "I mean, the Road Goes Ever On."

"Ever On," Legolas repeated, pushing the boat out of the shallows and jumping into it.

"I don't know what awaits us," you said, grabbing an oar and paddling. "But I'm not afraid of it. I've got you, Princess."

Legolas laughed at his nickname, tugging on some of your hair playfully, as you had so long ago in the Mines of Moria. "I wouldn't have it any other way, bereth nin."

You smiled at your nickname, leaning back against him with a comfortable sigh. "Nor I."

Glancing over at Aragorn and Gimli in their boat, who were laughing about some past facet of your Quest, everything felt at peace.

It would all be fine.

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