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POV: Third Person
One week later

"Why is she still staying here?" Arielle asked her father as they sat at the table having their Sunday dinner

Normani has yet to return home and her parents are still oblivious to her whereabouts, neither have they noticed she has been gone.

Y/N on the other hand was forced to find a new place to live, she didn't tell Normani about it seeing as they weren't on talking terms. She moved almost three hours away from where she used to live

She has a suspect of who did it, she even tried calling her but India would not pick up the calls. Y/N was pissed, she had to use up all her money to get another place, this time already furnished which only left her to purchase food and clothing

 Y/N was pissed, she had to use up all her money to get another place, this time already furnished which only left her to purchase food and clothing

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A/N: I love these 3D houses

"She's here because she got a job nearby and doesn't have a place to stay. So she's crashing here until she can afford a place nearby" Derrick answered quickly before taking the rice covered fork to his mouth

Mrs. Hamilton nodded and looked around at the table. Ryan was somewhat like Normani, same height and could be easily mistaken as her 'twin'

However, as they say, a mother knows her child best. As she looked around at the table she realized someone was missing making her drop the utensils on the table

This caused everyone to look over at her and question 'what's wrong?'

"Where's Normani? I haven't seen her all week"

That made Derrick look around as well. The three younger girls kept quite as they knew Normani was out of sight since that day

While that was occuring, Normani was in the backseat of Y/N's car with Ms. Barbara struggling to catch her breath. They were all rushing to get her to the hospital.

As soon as they got there, Normani was admitted where they announced she had a severe cold (pneumonia)

The nurses and doctors had her on a vent to help her breath. Y/N was relieved that she made it just in time to take her to the hospital after Noelle had called her

Of course they had to call Normani's parents and that's how they actually knew where she was. The family rushed down to the hospital

Y/N had left as soon as she heard the Hamilton's were on their way. Despite her situation, she kept working and pushing. She did not mention anything about her house to anyone, she just moved at her own pace and did her own thing


Two days later
POV: Y/N's

I held the bouquet of flowers in my hand as I walked into the hospital. I've never did this before; actually bringing flowers to a girl in a hospital so I don't know what the hell possessed me to do this

It's about 2 almost 3 right now and I haven't come to visit since the the day she got admitted because of work and other stuff. I stopped at the nurses station and ignored the nurses that were flirting with me

"Hey, I'm here to visit Normani Hamilton" I greeted

"Oh yes, are you a family member because only family members are allowed at this time requested by her parents" the nurse answered

"Yeah actually I am... I'm her cousin" I lied and the nurse looked at me as if she was looking for any sign of me lying

When she didn't see any she told me the room number and I thanked her before walking away

"Room 415" I repeated as I walked the fifth floor. I finally found the room

I walked in quietly not wanting to wake her up. However I didn't see the small chair and bumped into it causing Normani to stir awake as a result of the screeching sound

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I apologized as I sat a few feet away from her

Of course I wanted to be closer but I didn't know if she wanted that seeing as we haven't spoken in a while

"Its okay, I was gonna get up anyway" she rasped out. I saw her slowly getting off the bed and I rushed to help her

"I'm fine" she objected but I ignored her and helped her to the bathroom

I gave her some privacy and stood outside the restroom by the door watching the TV while she did her business. When she was done I helped her back in bed and handed her the bouquet of roses

"Thank you" she blushed before smelling them

'Thank God I didn't by the fake ones' I thought as I sat back in my previous seat

"How're you feeling?" I asked her

"Not too bad...but I'd feel a lot better if you were next to me" she answered

I didn't even question it, I just got up and sat beside her on the bed. She made me lean back so we were both laying on the bed side by side

It was quiet other than the TV playing in the background. The two of us just laying there and looking at each other. Normani was the one that broke eye contact as I caressed her cheek and as I did, she let out a content sigh

"I missed you" she breathed out before opening her eyes again "and I don't regret having sex with you. I've been thinking about it every chance I get and I realize that's exactly how I pictured my first time to be. So no I wouldn't change a thing about it"

"As long as your happy" was all I said making her smile

We spent a little more time catching up, she old me why she went to grandmother's in the first place and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I told her about my situation and she was upset

"She really did that?! If I see her outside we throwing hands" she vented and I chuckled at her being so protective

"I wanna take you on a date" I blurted

She slowly tuned to look at me and I got slightly nervous. If I was the one connected to the heart machine, you would be able to see and hear how fast my heart was beating

"I'd love for you to take me on ad date" she smiled and I let out a breath of relief

"I wanna kiss you but I don't want you to get sick too" she added a cute pout on her lips

"I don't care, gimme my kiss" I said before leaning in and kissing her

I almost moaned at the contact. Damn I missed these lips and not to mention her natural scent of Shae butter with a mix of coconut

"We gon' be sick together" I mumbled against her lips before kissing her again

"What in the world?" We heard a voice say causing me to pull away from Normani's lips

We both looked over at the door of the hospital room and saw the nurse that told me the room number and Normani's parents

"You just kissed your cousin" the nurse answered with a grimace on her face

"That's not her cousin" Mr. Hamilton clarified

"That's our neighbor who our daughter has been with all week" Mrs. Hamilton answered

'Huh?' I thought

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