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POV: Normani's

After lastweek's encounter with our new neighbor, there wasn't much noise or parties. As dad said, the music from across the street was off by 10 maybe 10:30 which he was thankful for

To me the music wasn't bad, I just couldn't stan the cursing much

My parents and sisters are out shopping for the church camp that is quickly approaching, I didn't go because I had online classes, see I had the option to go face-to-face or do virtual schooling and I chose virtual

The main reason is, my teacher last year threatened me not to come near her because of the color of my skin

Which was absurd because how else are you gonna get my papers to mark?

Anyway, I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when I heard a knock on the front door, it must be one of the neighbors because my parents just left

I went to see who it was and to my surprise it was the neighbor from across the street

"Uhm, hi I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day. I didn't know what you were into so I made cupcakes....well I bought them cause I'm not allowed to be around a stove" she admitted and reached out her hands that held a case of cupcakes

"Thank you, that's so sweet of you" I smiled and took the cupcakes from her

"Uhm, I- okay, see you around" she said and turned to leave

"Do you want to come in and have some cupcake with me?" I offered

"Uhm, no thanks I bought it for you and I can't because I have to get ready for my gig" she said

"Gig? Your a performer?" I asked and this big smile came up on her face

"Yeah, I'm a DJ, I like mixing music you can say that"

"Oh, well have fun" I said and waved goodbye


"Ugh" Arielle groaned as she walked into my room

"Girl don't you knock?" I asked even though I was just scrolling through my phone

I was scrolling through Instagram and coincidentally stumbled upon Y/N's page, so I'm just looking at her profile. She has quite the number of followers and her pictures are really nice not to mention her colorful tattoos on her arm

"I love my parents but I hate when we go on the road and they bump into old friends" she continued as she fell backwards on to my bed

"Ashley and I were starving and momma just gave us the look" she added then Ashley was next to enter the room

"What we don't knock anymore?" I asked rolling my eyes

"Dad is planning on pushing back the summer camp because he has a trip this week, actually he's leaving tomorrow. It's kind off sudden so he and mom are packing as we speak. Oh and she left me in charge" Ashley said making both Arielle and I look at her

"Thou sall not lie" I said

Mom and dad always leave me in charge because I'm the oldest and the most responsible

"Anyways, I'll be inviting Lauren, India, Dinah and Ally for a week of slumber party"

"Not the whole week, maybe three nights but not the whole week" I corrected.

"Okay okay 3 nights and four days." She beamed

"3 nights and 2 days, you got money to buy food to feed 7 girls for 4 days?" I asked the 16 year old twin

"I swear you sound just like momma" she said and rolled her eyes before leaving the room


Its been two days and my parents are officially in Canada for their meeting, trip or whatever they call it

I was on the lawn in front of my house since the girls decided it was cool to have a water war

I was upset because my hair was getting wet

"Stop!" I groaned, my clothes were soaked by now and were sticking to my body just like my hair was sticking to my face

"Mani relax and have fun! You know you can't do this with your parents here so just take this time and let loose" India said

I weighed her advice before going along with it. We were throwing water balloons at each other until I was suddenly the target

They kept throwing the balloons at me and I stumbled backwards and bumped into someone

I quickly turned around fearing it was parents that flew in early but it was just the neighbor from across the street

"Looks like you guys are having fun, mind if I join?" Y/N asked and the girls agreed looking at me for the final vote

"Uhm sure" I gave in, she smiled showing her white teeth before taking her shirt and sweats off, leaving her in a pair of boxers and an under shirt that was slightly see through because I could see her sports bra underneath

Then we resumed playing after about 30 minutes of fun, the balloons were all done and we headed inside for some food. I had ordered us three boxes of pizza for when we got hungry

"I won't stay long because I have a party to attend" Y/N spoke up, she was seated on one if the bar stools by the kitchen island with her dry clothes on, her hair was still wet and curly from the water war

"Ooh can we come?" Lauren beamed

"No, no parties, that was the one of the rules, tell them Mani" Ally said and now everyone was looking at me

"I don't know guys, Ally is right"

"Ugh, your such a party pooper" Lauren pouted

"Well we all know that she isn't a party girl" Y/N said to which they laughed and nodded

"I can be a party girl" I said slightly offended that she thinks I'm a stooshy

"Really?" She asked sarcasm laced in her voice

"Fine, if you are in fact a party girl, come with me to the party that I'll be hosting tonight" Y/N added and again everyone looked at me

"If she says yes, India owes me $50 and I'm going too" Lauren spoke up

I looked around the room at my friends and sisters, they all looked at me, some with a grin some with a disapproving look. I looked over at Y/N once again before answering


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