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POV: Y/N's

Its been a week and I think everything is back to normal. Me back at my daily gigs and Normani and I avoiding each other

I was getting ready to head to my car and saw Mr. Hamilton standing by his door with a bright smile looking over at me

"Open open" I repeated as I tried to get the car door open but the bitch wouldn't budge

"Howdy neighbor" I heard him say from behind me and I closed my eyes before slowly turning around

"Mr. Hamilton..." I trailed off with a fake smile

"I wanted to share the good news" he answered placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand and he slowly placed his hand to his side before continuing

"The news is, Ryan is moving in to my house and I see you two are getting along nicel-"

"I hardly talk to her" I said cutting him off

"I know that bu-"

"But you just said, you saw the two of us getting along nicely" I cut him off once again

"Yeah I recall-"

"So that means you just lied to me"

"Well if you look at it that way-"

"There's only one way to look at it Pastor Hamilton, now if you'll excuse me I have better things to do with my day than to hear about you moving in a girl I really don't care about into your house" I answered dismissing the subject then got into my car

"Well we're having dinner tonight, your free to come" he said holding on to my door

"No thanks"

"It would really mean a lot to my girls, especially Normani"
I wanted so badly to roll my eyes at him trying to bribe me by using his daughter

"Whatever, can you let go of my door please?" I asked looking up at him

He nodded whilst letting go and I shut my car door before driving off


POV: Normani's

The thought of having her in my house upsets me so much.

"She's nice, just talk to her" Arielle said as I sat on her bed

Myself and the twins were seated any and everywhere in Arielle's room which recently got renovated into both the twin's room because dad wanted the other room for Ryan since I stood firm and denied her of sharing my room

"No she's up to something I can feel it" Normani answered

"Anyways!" Ashley yelled before scooting over to me making me look at her weird

"What?" I asked. She had this expectant smile on her face like she's waiting on me to do something

"Its been a week Mani. Spill the deets" Ashley groaned as she threw her head back

"Its fine. If she doesn't want to talk about let her be Ash" Arielle answered and I smiled over at her

"But come it has been a week, you've been fasting and praying a lot more than you usually do" she added making me roll my eyes

"Why do y'all need to be so nosey?" I questioned

"Because we're sisters and if something were to happen to you we need to know what to expect and what the reason was...you get the jist" Ashley answered

"This one you don't need to know of" I said and stood up

"Oh come on" the twins groaned

I ignored them and made my way down the hall to my room. When I opened the door I was shocked

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I asked as I looked around at my newly renovated room which now had two beds

"I thought your dad told you...we'll be sharing a room" Ryan answered and I wanted to scream so bad

Oh wait I did. As I did I marched down to the living room where my mom and dad were cuddled up watching the TV

"I am not sharing a room with that girl" I said sternly as I stood in front of the TV screen to block them

"I forgot to tell you sweetheart. There's been a change in the previous plans we had, Ryan will be sharing your room with you" Dad answered

"No she won't" I objected



"Normani!" My mother's yelled making me tear my glare from my dad

"Your father has spoken now be respectful and go talk to your roommate" she continued making me roll my eyes and stomped my way back up the stairs

The only reason I'm going back to my room is because I don't want her snooping in my stuff. In fact I don't think I wanna stay here

As soon as I got to my room I grabbed a suitcase and started packing some stuff. My grandmother lived just an hour away from my house so that's where I'm going

"Whatcha doin'?" Ryan asked as she stood behind me

"Ever heard of personal space and none of your business. They kind off work together" I answered

"Why do you hate me so much?" She questioned as she sat on my bed

I looked between her, my bed and the lamp behind her before shaking my head and continuing with my packing

"Hate is a strong word. I prefer despise" I said as I packed some stuff that I would really need while I'm away

After about 15 minutes I was done and headed for the back door, Ryan didn't follow me, surprisingly which only made it easier for me to sneak out,

See if I did take the front door I knew my mom and dad would try to stop me. Without a glance back, I made my way out to the back then walked to the front

5 minutes later

I really didn't want to but I had to put my pride away and head over to Y/N's house. Her car was parked out front so I know for a fact she's home

I knocked at least 5 times before pulling back and waiting for an answer. Less than a minute the door opened and I was met with the same girl that Y/N was with the night of her party

"Hey, may I help you?" She asked cutting me off from my gawking

She was very pretty, fairly dark-skinned, petite and had curves for days. She was dressed in a robe with her facial mask on

"Oh yeah. Can I talk to Y/N for a minute?" I asked as my eyes wondered behind her

"She's sleeping right now" the girl answered

I ignored her and stepped into the house. Making my way up to Y/N's room

"What do you think your doing!? You're trespassing" the girl yelled as she followed behind me

When I made it to the room, I saw Y/N laying in the middle of her bed fast asleep. I walked over to her and lightly woke her up

"Hmm?" She hummed not opening her eyes

"I know we aren't on speaking terms but I really need a ride" I said

When she heard my voice she opened her eyes. She huffed before answering

"Give me a minute" she answered and I nodded before heading into the living room.

I didn't fail to see the unknown girl's face scrunched up in an annoyed look

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