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POV: Third Person

Just like any other Sunday, Normani woke up and got ready for church. She personally loved going to church and it's not that her father is a pastor but because she enjoys singing for her fellow sisters and brothers

While Normani was getting ready she looked out the window and saw a moving truck in front of the house across the street

'Someone finally bought the house' she thought

A knock at her bedroom door took her out of her thoughts and she went to open the door


POV: Normani's

"Good morning sweety, I just came to check on you and breakfast is ready, we have to leave a little earlier than usual" my mom said

"Good morning mom, I'll be down in a bit" I said before going back to my hair

After doing that I grabbed my Bible and placed it in the purse that I will be taking to church today before heading downstairs

When I got there my dad, mom and younger twin sisters, Ashlee and Arielle were seated at the table. I sat and we prayed before eating breakfast together before leaving

As we made our way to the car my eyes roamed over to the house across the street, I saw that the truck wasn't there anymore and I saw two persons traveling back and forth to the house with boxes.

The girl looked up and waved, my sister's and I waved back since our parents were already in the car After doing so we made our way to church


The service had started and as usual me, my mother and sisters sat in the front row, soon it was time for the choir and I went up and we sang as rehearsed

When we were done I wrapped up the singing and my father went up to start preaching

"That guy in the back, isn't he the one we saw at the movies yesterday?" Ashlee asked as they kept taking glances at the guy close to the back

"Yeah, why?"

"He's cute, maybe Arielle can finally get a boyfriend"

"You know dad won't let you date until your 18, you two have 2 years to go" I said laughing to myself, I recently turned 18 and I'm happy because certain things my parents can't tell me what to do anymore anymore

Arielle went to answer but mom gave us 'the look' and the three of us immediately got quiet and gave our full attention to our dad who was preaching


Church ended quite early today but as the pastor, my dad had to stay behind and greet the church members. As my parents did at they usually do, my sister's and I went over to our friends outside of the church

"Hey that new boy is cute isn't he?" India spoke up as we watched the new family exit the church with my parents

"Why is everyone saying that?" I asked confused, everywhere I turn I hear whispers about him "He's alright"

I didn't find the guy all that interesting. I've had eyes for boys before and had my share, the last one hurt me so bad I stayed by myself up to this day

My dad almost committed a crime when I told him what happened between me and my ex

"What, you don't think he's cute?" Arielle asked

"I said he's alraight, I'm not saying he isn't cute but-"

"Ha, see she thinks he's cute"

'Whatever' I thought rolling my eyes

"Are you coming to the summer camp next week?" Lauren my best friend asked

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it" I beamed

The church hosts a summer camp for the kids every year and this year was no different

We all talked until our parents motioned to us that they were ready to head home after about an hour later but we were used to it by now

When we made it home music was blaring from the house across from us and there were multiple cars parked along side the curbs, people lurking on the lawn of the house

Our neighborhood is known for the peace and quietness the only exception was when family members keep parties for their kids and even then the music isn't this loud

"What in the world?" Mom said as we pulled into our driveway. Dad parked the car and we got out

"Looks like a house opening party" I said as I looked over at the scene before us.

"They better turn that music down by 10 the latest or I'm calling the cops" my dad said before he and mom headed inside, my sisters and I stayed outside for a little longer


POV: Y/N's

I moved out here because I was finally 21 and thought it was time to move out from my mom's not that she cared anyway and to top it off the job opportunities here is impressive although I'm more into music

I like mixing music and creating remixes and that's how I booked my first gig and from there on out people book me for parties and other events....and the money is real good too

I needed some fresh air so I went out the front. When I did I saw three girls standing on the lawn of the house across from me so I decided to go over and talk with them

The closer I got the clearer their faces were, I realized that two were twins. The three were beautiful but my eyes were locked on the girl in the middle, she looked like the oldest

"Hey, I'm Y/N" I said once I was in front of them

"Hey, I'm Ashlee, this is my twin sister Arielle and our big sister Normani" the shortest one spoke up, point at the girls so I know who was who

I saw the Normani girl looking at my sleeve tattoos before she looked up at me and smiled before waving

"I really came to introduce myself as you can see I'm your new neighbor. You can come to the party if your up to it" I invited

"Uhm, our dad won't approve of that, in fact he wants the music off by 10 the latest" Arielle said

"What is he a preacher?" I laughed but they didn't and I saw the Normani girl shake her head with a disapproving look making me stop instantly

"Yes he is, he's the pastor of the Holy church of God" she answered "it was nice meeting you"

With that she walked into the house, her sisters following shortly behind her after saying goodbye.

Well damn....

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