Cute Guy With An Accent - Mick Davies x Reader

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Takes place during 12x16 - Ladies Drink Free. The reader is a bit of a psychopath, but not fully psycho, ya know? More like she knows that there is evil in the world, and she's willing to kill things to rid the world of it. 

"Hello?" you say into your ringing phone. 

"Y/N, we have a werewolf hunt, you want in?" came Dean's voice on the other end of the phone. 

"Sure," you say, a bit surprised. "Why do you need me though?"

"Maybe to use your dire methods to scare off a wannabe hunter." Dean said. 

Dean and Sam didn't often work with you. To be completely honest you scared them a bit. You took pleasure in killing monsters, a bit too much to be completely sane.

"I'll text you the town and hotel," Dean said, then hung up.

"Well I'll see you then too," you said to no one. "Y/N you are such a great hunter. What would we do without you? Thank you? Nope, nothing."


You pulled up in front of the hotel he texted you the address of. It was much fancier than the usual digs, but Dean insisted that his "associate" would take care of the bill. The "associate" he referred to was clearly the "wannabe hunter" that Dean wanted you to scare away from hunting. Unlikely that would work. If someone is getting into hunting, it's not a casual hobby, they know it's a lifestyle. 

"Dean!" you yell across the lobby. 

"Y/N!" he yells back. 

"What's up Squirrel?" you say, adopting the nickname Crowley so often uses. 

"Not much. How bout you weirdo?" he laughs. "So, what corpse have you mutilated this time?"

"It's only a corpse if it's dead. If it's alive, it's simply torture. And it was a vampire with a god complex. His ego was a bit too much for his head." you laugh off. 

Sam and another man walked up to you and Dean.

"Well lads, the rooms are paid for," the new man said. 

"Y/N meet Mick Davies. Mick meet Y/N." Dean said quickly before turning to the elevators to go up the his room. 

"Pleasure, Miss Y/N." Mick said, extending a hand.

You shook it, "Nice meeting you as well, Mr. Davies." 

"Oh please, call me Mick." he smiled. "Only my boss calls me Mr. Davies."

Mick turned to follow Dean upstairs, you and Sam stayed in the lobby to discuss the case. 

"So, who's the cute guy with the accent?" you ask Sam, wanting more information. 

"Mick Davies, he's with the British Men of Letters." Sam answered. "He came on this hunt to learn more about hunting."

"But he's inexperienced?" you asked. 

"Yeah," Sam said. He paused before saying, "Dean didn't exactly tell me why you were coming on this hunt."

"Oh he didn't did he-" you raised your eyebrows, "-Well, Dean called me and wanted me to use my 'dire' methods to scare off a, and I quote 'wannabe hunter.'"

Sam sighed, putting his face into his hands. "Of course he did."

"Well, I'll see you in the morning." you said to Sam, putting the emphasis on 'you'. You stood up and walked towards the elevators. You took the key Mick had given you from your pocket. But, as the elevator doors opened, you nearly ran into someone. Your reflexes acted and you jumped back, effectively slamming into the corner of the elevator door.

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