My King - Lucifer x Demon!Reader

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End of season 4-5 spoilers.

Lucifer is freed

The words rang in your head. The youngest Winchester boy, Sam, broke the final seal. Killing Lilith created the portal that broke Lucifer out of the cage. Ruby, the demon we all thought had betrayed us, ended up being the main cause that Lucifer was freed. She encouraged Sam Winchester to consume demon blood, strengthening his powers and driving him away from his brother. You had been making preparations for Lucifer's arrival. You knew of Lilith's plan, and you had prepared his vessel. Doing a little work to ensure that his backup vessel, Nick, was prepped. You possessed the man that killed his wife and child so that he would be emotionally vulnerable. Making him lose faith in God was just a bonus. When others deserted, and followed Crowley instead, you slaughtered them in the name of Lucifer.

It was only days after he had risen that you encountered him in his new vessel for the first time. You were walking on the street, possessing a random human, of no real importance, when you heard,

"Y/N," a voice said as you passed an alleyway.

You turned, wondering who would know your name in this vessel. Expecting a fellow demon, you walked back to the person. When you caught sight of them, you realized it was Nick, or rather Nick's meat suit.

"Lucifer," you breathed quietly. You knelt quickly, to show your respect.

"Not here, the humans might notice," he responded.

"They will be slaughtered by the millions, let them watch if they wish," you replied, but you stood again with these words.

"So... you're the one who made all this possible." he drawled.

"Yes my king. Is your vessel suiting you?" you asked.

"He will die eventually, my power is too great to contain." he said.

"Worry not, for Sam Winchester will say yes to you. In time." you replied.

"I'm counting on it," he said, with a note of confidence in his voice.

__________Time skip to "Hammer of the Gods"__________

Weeks later, you accompanied Lucifer to the hotel where a gathering of gods was being held. In the small time where you had come to know Lucifer, he had come to trust you. Anywhere he went, you were often at his side.

"They think that even together, they can overpower me?" he asked.

"It appears so," you reply. "Foolish of them"

You followed Lucifer up to the check in counter. The god Mercury was stationed there.

"Lucifer," he said.

"Thanks for calling me," Lucifer responded. He continued to insult the god until he grew tired and simply snapped his neck.

"That was fun," he said sarcastically.

"Here comes the army," you said, drawing a blade. You sliced through the oncoming gods while Lucifer just used his hands. His strength far outweighed his enemies, so simply thrusting his arm through their rib cage was easy for him. Besides, the more blood of his enemies on him, the more intimidating he looked. The last few, you used your demon powers to snap their bones, a painful but efficient death if you snapped the right bones. Lucifer entered the meeting room, meeting only Baldur and Kali there. Well, the Winchester boys were there too, but they wouldn't be a threat. Baldur attacked Lucifer, who ended him quickly, shoving his arm through Baldur's torso. Drawing his blood soaked arm out, he turned to Kali. Her arms alighted with fire. You dropped your knife, and threw your arms over your head to protect yourself from the fire that she shot from her hands. But, Lucifer defected the fire around you without a singe.

"Lucifer," a voice said. He turned to see Gabriel.

"Get her out of here," Gabriel said to Sam and Dean, indicating Kali. They left, leaving only Lucifer, Gabriel and you in the room.

"For a girl? Don't tell me you've gone soft, Gabriel." Lucifer said.

"Oh?" Gabriel replied. "I might say the same thing about you, brother."

Lucifer flicked his eyes to you before returning his gaze to Gabriel.

"Why are you willing to die for these humans?" Lucifer questioned. "They are FLAWED and USELESS!"

"But some of them try," Gabriel responded, in an even voice.

You spoke up, not something you usually did. "But they will die, why stop the inevitable?"

"Well demon, if we don't our deaths will be meaningless." Gabriel said.

"Don't call me demon," you said.

At the same time Lucifer said, "Don't call her demon."

"Don't make me do this," Lucifer warned.

"No one makes us do anything," Gabriel said.

You felt Lucifer turn beside you, to the real Gabriel behind him. At the same time, you felt a gut wrenching pain in your chest. Lucifer stabbed Gabriel with the blade that Gabriel was holding, killing him.

Gabriel's illusion stabbed your own discarded demon knife into your back before it disappeared. The immediate effects of the demon blade didn't set in, instead you felt the blood slowly seeping from your body as you lay on the floor. Lucifer turned from his victory over Gabriel to see you laying on the floor, dying.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, rushing to your side. "No, no, no,"

"Lucifer, it's alright," you coughed. Blood ran down from your open mouth.

"I'll heal you," he promised.

"You can't, the demon blade is doing it's work," you said. You gripped his blood soaked jacket as you tasted the metal in your mouth. Blood filling your vessel's lungs made it harder to talk. You turned on your hands and knees in an attempt to clear your lungs. The blood fell from your mouth, pooling on the ground and soaked the back of your shirt where the knife had stabbed.

"Find the Winchesters, Sam will say yes," you gasped, falling on your side. He made an attempt to heal you, his long unused grace flowing through your body, but the pain and bleeding continued.

"I'll do it, I'll finish the apocalypse." he said, pressing your hand against his cheek.

"I'll see you again, in hell, I suppose." you said, your voice growing quieter.

You saw tears forming in his eyes, strange to see, but not unwelcome. He moved your hand from his cheek to press his lips against it.

"I've grown fond of you these past weeks," he said. "You are a good, loyal, demon."

"Don't make this a goodbye," you coughed. "Just a see you later."

With that your breathing stopped, eyes glazing over. The blood filled your airways, making it impossible for you to breath anyways.

"I'll see you later, Y/N," Lucifer said. With that, he stood, and his rage ripped the hotel apart. 

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