✨🌷🌸 Chapter Two 🌸🌷✨

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Clover was skippity-skipping down the street when she came across the same sad man from the day before. She put on her biggity-biggest smile and sauntered over to Mr. Sad.

Mr. Sad / Gary the Grumpy Grumpmister turned toward Clover's hourglass figure. His heart fluttered in his chest a little bit, but he ignored it. There was no room in him for any emotions besides sadness. Not even ✨🦷🧔‍♀️LUST🧔‍♀️🦷✨

"Hiya silly Billy!" Clover chirped. "What are you doing at this early hour? Wait... you're obviously walking! Silly me," she giggled.

Gary rolled his eyes and cringed at Clover's feeble attempt to be funny. Nothing could make him laugh, not even other people's misfortune.

He was stone cold.

"What do you want..." he started, but he didn't even know the young reporter's name.

"Clover!" She answered cheerily, not even mad that he hadn't remembered her name. The only thing that she felt when she saw him was even more happiness than usual. His strong muscular bod and chonky biceps were straining against his dirty grey T-shirt. It didn't even have a pocket on it.

A shiver went down Gary's spine. Just the sound of Clover's name affected him in ways he was too ashamed to admit. He was supposed to be stark, stoic, and sad, not a lustful, horny teenager!

Clover just continued smiling at him. She had no idea what she was doing to him 😩🧔‍♀️🥵🥴💦

Gary was trying to control the blush that was creeping up his face. He couldn't be any color except glum grey.

"How are you doing today?" Clover asked, trying to start some small talk. 

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-i-I-i-" Mr. Sad said, at a loss for words. Usually, he was sweet and simple when he talked. Well, not sweet, but simple. Today, he couldn't help but stutter with arousal.

"Keep going! I believe in you!" Clover encouraged. "If you try hard enough you can form a full sentence!"

What Gary never told anyone was that he had a praise kink- a massive praise kink. Clover didn't know that she was turning him on even more by just talking in her usual happy manner.

He made a sound that sounded like 'gurgah.' Clover smiled again. "Almost there!"

There was nothing else for him to do. Gary the Grumpy Grumpmister ran away from Clover screaming. Clover looked after him with a slightly less bright smile. She would have to try again tomorrow.

Gary had really hurt Clover's feelings, and that was hard to do because she was always so positive. Clover trudged her way to work and did something she never in her life thought she would do. Clover curled in a ball and cried.

She knew that she had hit rock bottom now. Crying was not in the nature of anyone in Happy Land, and if anyone saw her, her entire career would be ruined. She would probably be disowned too.

So after she was done with her little episode, she got up, wiped her tears, and straightened her neon green skirt. Her bright pink blouse was wrinkled too because of the fetal position she was in, so she adjusted that as well.


She took a deep breath and walked through the door of the Channel 99 studio.

After she finished the morning broadcast, Clover walked home in silence. On any normal day, she would be entertained by laughing at her own jokes, but this was no normal day- today she cried for the first time in her life.

But she couldn't be sidetracked. Mr. Sad needed her, and she wouldn't stop trying to make him happy even if it killed her.


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