9. Jealousy

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The following weekend Jaina invites the cast over for another party. Danielle shows up late, not even wanting to be there in the first place but Jaina and Barrett talked her into it. If not for them then at least for alcohol. With how Danielle's life was going right now she would never say no to alcohol.

When Danielle arrived everyone was already there. Everyone except for Stefania but Danielle had just assumed she wasn't coming. She made her way through the apartment, straight to the kitchen, then into the refridgerator to grab out a beer. She opens it and takes a drink looking over just in time to see Barrett doing shots and of course she had to join in.

Danielle takes 3 shots including the one Barrett poured for herself. All Barrett and Jaina can do is stare. "Damn Dani what happened to you?" Barrett questions while grabbing the tequila from Danielle and pouring herself another shot. Danielle is about to make a sarcastic remark but the doorbell rings. "ITS OPEN!" Everyone yells and the Italian walks in with her girlfriend on her arm.

"Great" Danielle mumbles, taking a drink of her beer. "Thats what happened to her." Jaina says looking over at Melissa and Stefania. "Why is she here?" Danielle questions angrily. "Because she's our friend Danielle." Jaina replies. "Okay and Her?" the blonde moves her hand motioning towards Melissa who is greeting everyone in the living room. "Danielle I don't get to say who Stefania brings and that's her girlfriend of course she's going to bring her."

"So then why would you invite me?" Danielle was getting frustrated. "Because you're our friend too!" Barrett chimes in trying to help Jaina out. "What makes you think I would have wanted to see that." All three women now looking over to see Melissa cuddled up on Stefania's lap despite there being room on the couch for her. "Danielle you could have brought a date too" Jaina was trying to be patient but she didn't know what more her friend wanted from her.

"I don't want a date!" Danielle replies in a slightly louder tone than she anticipated, causing their friends to look including Stefania. "I want Stefania..." she mumbles looking towards the brunette knowing only she can hear herself.

"I'm leaving" Danielle takes one more drink of her beer finishing it off. "No way your staying! Forget about Stefania." Barrett grabs her arm before she can leave. " Barrett, I don't want to forget about Stef! And I can't stand here all night and watch them. I'm not a masochist." She yanks her arm away. "typical" Jaina mutters. "What?" Danielle stops turning to look at her friend. "Nothing its just that's very typical of you. It's like you can't see Stefania happy. That's not enough for you after how badly you hurt her." Jaina says looking at the blonde's shocked expression. "Okay, let's all just calm down" Barrett trying to ease the tension.

"You're the one who hurt her Danielle. You messed up and its no ones fault but your own. Instead of just apologizing you decide to sulk around and expect everyone to feel sorry for you. News flash! That's not going to happen. If you would stop being an ass for 5 minutes you would know that all it would have took was an apology. Too late now though, so at least be happy that Stefania isn't hurting anymore." Jaina walks away leaving Barrett and Danielle in the kitchen with wide eyes.

"Okay I think you can leave now..." Barrett whispers while leaning closer to her friend, still in shock. "No way in hell am I giving Jaina that satisfaction." Danielle replies leaning her back against the counter. "Okay but if you're not going to forget about Stefania at least try to win her back" Barrett trying to convince her friend.

"Barrett I already told you I'm not a masochist." Danielle says, rolling her eyes. "I can't just steal Stefania from her girlfriend. Stef's not like me...once she's in she's in." Danielle looks at the brunette who is already looking at her. Stefania smiles at Danielle from across the room.

"The heart wants what the heart wants" Barrett nudges Danielle. "Damn it Barrett...fine I'll try." Danielle returns the smile while still making eye contact with Stefania.

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