14. Tomorrow...

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Later that night Danielle and Stefania were laying in bed cuddling. Danielle had her head laying on the brunettes chest. Stefania played with the blondes hair mindlessly. Her eyes were closed and their legs were entagled.

Stefania was starting to feel hot from Danielle's body heat. "Can you get any closer" She says joking. "Mhm" Danielle replies moving to nuzzle her face into stefania's neck. Stefania giggles in response then places a soft kiss on the blondes forehead. After a long pause Stefania breaks the silence "So we we're dating when you were flirting with Lauren."

"Thats not what I meant" Danielle lifts her head from the Italians chest. First she gets flustered then defensive and then starts to panic. "But thats what you said so..." Stefania jokes but Danielle turns bright red.

"I wish we were." The blonde says kind of in a whisper hoping maybe stefania wouldn't reply. "Obviously not since you were flirting with lauren." The Italian replies still a little annoyed with the situation but ultimately over it.

"Shut up i apologized" Danielle says laying back into the bed. Stefania moves to lay her head on the blondes chest this time, snuggling into her side.  "I know bambina and I accepted your apology but we weren't dating" Stefania laughs. "Did you think we were?" she adds. "No I told you thats not what I meant. We weren't exclusive but we were still a thing." Danielle bites her lip right after the words leave her mouth realizing what she is saying.

"A thing?" stefania questions if the blonde really meant that. " yes a thing" The blonde affirms.  Stefania moves her head up from the blondes chest to look at her then rolls her eyes at the blonde. "So are we a thing now?" the italian asks not knowing how Danielle will respond.

"Yes" the blonde replies quickly. "Are we exclusive?" Stefania asks raising one eyebrow curious for what this response will be. "Yes" the blonde replies again just as quick as before. "So are we dating then" the blonde takes a second, hesitating for the first time. "What do you mean?"

Danielle had plans to ask Stefania to be her girlfriend tomorrow and stefania's questions were starting to ruin that. She was thinking of ways to stall but she was running out of time. She really wanted to ask Stefania in a special romantic way. Definitely not by answering a question that she wasn't even sure if Stefania wanted to know the answer to while laying in bed.

"Are you my girlfriend?" the blonde feels her stomach fill with butterflies. She tried to not let her face show what shes feeling. Danielle pauses for a long time not knowing how to answer.

"Am i your girlfriend?" the blonde still doesn't reply. "Goodnight" she rolls over but Stefania is not ready to end the conversation. "Danielle what does that mean" She starts to shake the blonde trying to get her to roll over but that doesn't work. She hits her with the pillow but the blonde doesn't budge.

"Danielle we're not doing this again. if you don't want to be with me then I'm sleeping on the couch and you can just leave in the morning" Stefania starts to get out of bed. This gets the blonde to roll over.

Danielle grabs stefania's arm stopping her from moving further from the edge of the bed.

"Baby I want to be with you more than anything but can we just talk about this tomorrow please." the blonde begs.  "Why do we have to wait til tomorrow?"

Stefania was trying to be understanding but she was growing impatient. "Please stef just trust me. I promise we'll talk about it tomorrow." The blonde releases her hold from the Italian knowing whats coming next.

The brunette turns to fully face the blonde. She holds out her pinkie for Danielle to wrap her pinkie around which she does. Stefania leans over to the blonde trying to contain her smile partly because she wants the blonde to think she's still annoyed. They meet each other half way sealing the promise with a kiss. She can't contain it anymore and smiles into the kiss causing the blonde to do the same.

As soon as they break the kiss the blonde whispers "Wow." Stefania pushes Danielle lightly back into the bed. She moves so that she is now leaning over the blonde. Stefania looks into the blondes blue eyes for a moment. She places one small kiss onto her lips. "Tomorrow Stefania says before turning over to sleep.

"Tomorrow" the blonde whispers in the brunettes ear while moving to lay behind her, wrapping her arm around her waist. Before she closes her eyes, she places a small kiss behind the Italians ear.

Hi guys sorry this chapter is a little short and not the best grammar/spelling wise because I wrote it in an hour. Also kind of a filler chapter but the next one will be good I promise. Just been super busy with school per usual. I just took the teas and I have midterms this week and being a prenursing major doesn't help.

Also I literally listened to that one song Yoko Ono from Atypical (Dancing scene iykyk) on repeat while writing this. Just thought I should share. Anyways hope you like it :)

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