Water | One

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Chlorine. Her eyes stung as she hopped onto the bus, ticket in hand, before sliding down into a seat.

Ever since her suspension from her local boxing club, Jody had found refuge in another sport, one which as hard as it was to admit, had been somewhat refreshing.

A new leaf, if you like.

She wiped her eyes slightly, as her still wet hair dampened her shoulders. Glancing out the window, she stuck some earphones in and listened to her music as the world whizzed by outside.

The past year had been painful, to say the least. It was crazy how much she'd learnt about herself, and crazier still that she was still going stronger than ever.

For instance, swimming.

She'd joined the club purely out of May-Li and Finn's constant persuasion and was now going almost as regularly as she went boxing. It was a form of therapy and was strangely calming.

These days, Jody Jackson was as cool as a cucumber.

Of course, it wasn't just the swimming that had helped with her anger. Ben, her counsellor, had been amazing! They'd gotten off to a rocky start but now, she couldn't even begin to explain how much he'd helped her.

But like everyone, there were good days and bad days. As Jody stared out the window, something in her gut told her that, today was going to be a strange one...


His heart leapt into his throat. He waved a quick goodbye to his Mum who'd planted a chaste kiss onto his forehead and hurried along the path towards the place he'd once called home.

Pausing, he took in a breath.

It looked the same as ever, standing tall and free on its own with its red brick walls and sturdy oak trees. He remembered the day they'd moved in.

"Come on everyone, into the minivan!"

Mike had been on edge the whole day; moving house was stressful on its own but with twelve excitable children and endless paperwork... to put it simply, it was hell.

"Where's Jeff? I can't leave without him, Mike!" Harry pleaded as Mike rubbed his forehead.

"He's probably in the boot, now come on!"

"I still don't get why you're getting the biggest room, Carmen. It's not fair!" Johnny complained, piling in behind her.

"Um, I actually need the space! I've got 12 boxes worth of stuff so..."

"Yeah, 12 boxes of crap."

"Johnny, please don't start, okay? Get in! Jody and Tyler, what are you playing at?"

The two kids had taken it upon themselves to stock up on the journey. In the midst of all the chaos, they'd recovered Gina's secret stash of chocolate biscuits and any other treats they could find.

After all, this new 'Ashdene Ridge' was more than an hour away and the DG kids needed to be somewhat distracted and occupied if they were all to make the journey there safely.

And snacks were everything.

"Tyler! Hurry up and shove it down your socks..." Jody advised her best mate, who was hiding more treats on his person than Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

"I'm trying!" he complained in return, before glancing up and spotting someone in the distance.

"You two giving old Mike here some grief?"

Bookends | Jody & Tyler | The Dumping GroundWhere stories live. Discover now