"Let's go!" Zoe said, interlocking her arms into mine. We laughed and giggled on the way. We finally reached a shop. They had so many cute bags and purses.
"These are so cute!" Zoe squealed. Zoe turned the purse around to see its price. Her face dropped as soon as she saw it.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's so expensive" she's cried.
I took a second to answer her "Zoe, how about I buy it for you. You can take it as a gift from me" I smiled.
Zoe shook her head but before she could say something I picked up the purse and went to the counter for billing.

Zoe was surprised by Y/N.
"Y/N...she's so kind," Zoe thought.

I brought the purse and handed it to Zoe. Zoe gave me a big hug and thanked me. It made me happy when I saw her happy. On the way back home Zoe asked me whether I have a boyfriend.

"No, I don't," I said.
Zoe sighed "Y/N, you should get a boyfriend, enjoy your life"
"Why? Can't I enjoy my life without a boyfriend?" I looked at her.
Zoe looked at me speechless. Zoe smirked and looked down "I see...Y/N to me I want to fall in love with someone and I want to experience how it will be"
"Don't worry you will find someone," I said as I put my arm around her shoulder.



"What about your neighbour?" She asked "You can ask him on a date"

"Haha...that...uhh..he's not interested in me" I stammered with my words.

"How do you know it? You should try asking him out," she suggested.

I just nodded at what she said.
There's no way Johan will fall for me. He's...just my bodyguard.

Zoe sensed the silence between us she then suggested going to the park nearby.
Then on our way back home, we saw a small park, we decided to sit there for some time. I told Zoe that I will go to the vending machine and buy something to drink. I left Zoe there alone. When I went to the vending machine I saw Vasco working out there. I saw Jace with him too. I also noticed Jace was wearing a shirt with the writing "BNC" and three circles on the top. I wondered what was that though.

3rd person pov:

Meanwhile, two guys approached Zoe.
"Look at this cute bean" one of the guys commented at Zoe.

"Eww, go away" Zoe yelled.

One of the guys pulled Zoe's hand and began to force  her to be his girlfriend.

1st person pov:

When I went back to Zoe I saw two guys bullying and harassing her. I ran towards Zoe.
"Oi!" I shouted "Let go of her"
The two boys stared at me and started to laugh.
"Let her go" one of the boys mimicked what I said.

I opened the juice can and splashed the juice on his face.
"Y/N!No! Run!" Zoe shouted.

"YOU BITCH!" the guy raised his hand to punch me.
But I dodged it and swung a roundhouse punch right on his face, knocking down him instantly. The other guy saw it and charged towards me
"Too slow" I punched him on his stomach, which caused him to cough out some blood.

They both rolled up on the ground and growled in pain.
"Zoe are you alright?" I motioned towards her

"Yes, and-"

"Let's get out from here, come on," I said as I pulled Zoe's hand.
Zoe just nodded and began to walk along with me.

Vasco and Jace were watching the whole scene.
"Vasco, she's strong" Jace stated.
"Skilled too," Vasco said "She's not a basic fighter Jace, she's a well-trained fighter. "
Jace and Vasco stood there observing Zoe and Y/N leave the park.

Zoe and I finally reached her house. She thanked me for saving her. I shrugged it off saying that we're friends and it doesn't matter. Zoe waved back at me one last before going into her house.
Then I turned back to Johan who was leaning behind a compound wall.
"So, let's go home" I smiled.
Johan walked past me "You got some moves" he said.
"Hehe...I told you I'm a trained fighter" I grinned.

I told him that Daniel got an offer from OK Entertainment and everything that happened today. He just listened to me in silence. We decided to buy noodles and fried chicken today for dinner. I brought each one for me and Johan. Then we finally reached our house. I thanked Johan for taking care of me today as well and went into my house.

I placed my bags on the table and sat on the couch and began to scroll through my phone. I noticed that I received a message from Daniel saying that Jay, him and I will be meeting at the library at 11 am for studying. I agreed to what he said and replied that I will be there without fail.

"Two days" I sighed. I decided to wake up at 4 am tomorrow and began to study. I always urged myself to work hard to achieve something.

I started to eat my dinner and as I was eating I got a call from mom.

"Hello, mom" I answered the call.
"Y/n! I miss you so much, honey. It's been one week since I left" she cried.
"I miss you too, mom" I chuckled.
"Y/N did you open the courier?" She asked.
"No mom, I'll open it tomorrow" I replied.
"Okay honey, I love you so much okay? Be safe. Take care of Johan too" she said.
"Ya, mom I will. I love you too" I smiled.

Mom then hung up my call. All I knew was my mom didn't want me to feel like she's going to abandon me too. Since the day Dad left us she's done all the best she can to take care of me. Still, now I don't know why my dad left us or what was the problem between my parents. All I was determined was I should take care of mom as she took care of me.

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