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It was a brisk Friday morning. I was at school sitting with Zoe. Zoe insisted that she will do my makeup today. Even though I was nervous she assured me that I'll look pretty.

Once Zoe finished doing my makeup I noticed that she was speechless.
"Why? Do I look ugly" I asked, worried.
"Shut up Y/N!" Zoe said as she continued to stare at me "You look gorgeous"

"She looks the same to me. Ugly" Zack interfered.

"Shut up Zack!" I shouted at him.

"Y/N! Where did you vanish off yesterday? Daniel and Duke rocked yesterday's event" Zoe asked me as she was giving a final touch to my makeup.

I raised my eyebrows in amazement "Really? I'm sorry I had important work to do that's why I left"

Zoe sat down on her chair "That's just sad". She turned back at me again "We're going shopping remember?"

I already informed Johan this morning that Zoe and I will be going shopping today and he told me that he will be following me from a distance. He also guaranteed that Zoe won't notice that he is following us.

I motioned to my seat and looked at Daniel who was sitting beside me "Daniel I'm sorry, I couldn't be there to watch your performance." I apologized.

"No, you don't have to be sorry. It isn't a big deal" Daniel comforted me with a smile.

"Jeez, would you two keep it down? I'm trying to sleep" Zack growled.

Daniel and I giggled at Zack. We kept our voices low and continued to talk. Daniel told me that he got an offer from
OK Entertainment. My Jaw dropped when he mentioned that and I congratulated him too. But somewhat he didn't seem to be happy with that offer.

Our homeroom teacher entered our classroom. We all stood up from our chairs and greeted him.

Our teacher looked at us and sighed "So, your exams start within 2 days. Please do your best in this exam"

"Exams?" I raised my eyebrows in shock.
The teacher noticed my expression on my face "Y/N don't tell me that you didn't know about it"

"No, no, I know" I gave an awkward smile.

The teacher then continued "Then after your exams are over, we will be going to the retreat"


"It's sort of a training camp," Daniel said.

"Ah I see"

After that our class was over. I had no idea what I'll be doing for my exams. If I get less marks my mom will bury me alive. With all these thoughts going through my head. I noticed Daniel and Jay talking. They both stared at me at the time.

"Y/N, I wanted to ask you something," Daniel said.

"Huh? What's it?" I asked.

Daniel hesitated. "Would you like to join me and Jay for a group study?" he asked.

"Sure, why not?" I grinned.

Jay also seemed to be happy that I agreed to join them.

Then the day began to roll and it was already evening and the school was over. Zoe and I began to walk from our classroom after we waved goodbye to our friends.

When we came out of our school my eyes began to search for Johan.
"Where is he?" I thought as my eyes were searching for him.
"Is something wrong?" Zoe asked.
"No, no," I replied.
Then I saw a familiar hoodie and it was Johan. I felt relieved when I saw him.

Bodyguard (Johan Seong X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu