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"Long time no see boss" a guy with sunglasses greeted.

A middle-aged man walked into the room.

"Good to see you after a long time Park Jong Gun," the man said. "So who did you arrange as the bodyguard for Mr Charle's daughter?" He asked.

Gun smirked "First of all much is he paying for this?"

"$20,000 for a week".


Gun looked at his boss "Finest of all people we have...

"Johan Seong"

Boss's eyes widened hearing this name "But why did you decide to choose him?" He questioned.

"Isn't that girl a teen? I'm sure she will be fine with a guy close to her age" Gun answered

"Is Seong here?"

"No, he's currently in the hospital visiting his mother". "I will take care of this matter boss" he assured.

"Well then you may leave" his boss ordered.

Gun walked out of the room
" 'Mr Charles' it's been a long time since I heard that name," he thought.

Back at Y/N's house:

"Wait didn't you just mention dad's name?" Y/N asked her mom.

Her mom looked down "Y/N... I and your dad are planning for a divorce. I think it's for the best" her mom confronted Y/N with all the sadness in her voice.

"A divorce?"
Y/N was processing all these things in her mind.

"Mom I...I'm tired I'm going to sleep. Goodnight" Y/N walked to her room.

Y/N entered her room closed the door behind her. She paused and leaned towards her door. She slid and sat down on the floor. Tears overwhelmed her eyes and began to cry.

"Why?Why?Why?" Y/N cried.

3 years ago

"Y/N come here!" Y/N's dad called her.
"Coming dad!" Y/N shouted.
"Look I fixed your bicycle" Dad smiled.

"Wowwww Dad it's amazing!" Y/N exclaimed.

Dad looked at Y/n and lifted her in the air like a baby "I'm amazing right?".

"Yes, an amazing dad" Y/N chuckled.

But Y/N's happy face disappeared
"What's wrong?" Dad smiled.

"I want to be with you forever like this dad" she replied.

"Of course you will be" Dad stated.

Y/N looked down "But...You and mom fight so much these days it makes me sad...I feel you're going to split up"

Dad lifted Y/N's chin and looked into her eyes "Y/N I don't about that but whatever happens I will always be there for you because you're important to me more than my life".

Y/N's eyes sparkled "Promise?".

"Yes Promise".

"Where are you now Dad?"

Y/N cried herself to sleep that night.

Y/N's POV:

Bodyguard (Johan Seong X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ