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Hey guys! First of all, I'm sorry for the late update I couldn't update at the time because my cat was sick and I had to care of her. Then thank you for the 2.32k reads this means a lot to me

Johan and I walked in silence down the road. I had so many questions in my mind. I also noticed that Johan wasn't feeling good after what happened. I wanted to comfort him but how?

As I saw a park. An idea sparked in my mind.
"Yes! What if spend some time in the park which is on the way and he'll feel better?"

"Johan!" I stopped walked.
Johan gazed at me and asked, "What is it now?"

"How about we spend some time in the park?" I grinned.

John rolled his eyes and sighed saying "Are you dumb or what? It's literally like 11:40 p.m. and you want to spend time in the park?"

"Uh-huh, right"

"Well...uh my legs are sore I need to rest for some time," I replied rubbing my nape.

Johan looked annoyed but agreed with me. We walked to the park and sat down on a swing.
The atmosphere was quiet, pleasant and calming.

"It's cold," I said.

"I know," Johan mumbled.

"So... uh, I have something to ask," I said gazing up at the dark cloudy sky.

"What's it?"

"How do you know Zack and Mira?"

Johan took his time to answer my question and then began
"We were friends."

"Friends?" I looked at him surprised.

Johan exhaled "We grew up together in the same neighbourhood," he went on
"We were very close and our bond was unbreakable."

I was amazed at how they had a good bond back then, but what happened to them in between?

"So... you guys drifted away?" I asked.

"No" Johan paused and looked at me
"I...ran away"

"WHAT???" My eyes widened. "Why?"

Johan lowered his gaze and continued
"Y/N I don't think I should tell you about it.

I clutched on the chains of the swing and abruptly said "What's wrong with you? Why are you always saying "I don't want to tell you" I- I care about you, Johan, okay? I want you to share things that are hurting you deep inside."

"But why?"

"Because you're my friend... I don't want someone who I care about to go through bad times alone" I concluded.

Johan smirked "I see..."
I waited for him to begin again.

"My mom was half-blind. I don't know much about my father but mom was everything I cared about. Zack and Mira were always with me. We went to church every Sunday, we went to the same school and hung out together." Johan subdued.
"But life didn't go as I expected it to be. My mom got addicted to some kind of drug and it was given by the church preacher, still, now I don't know why he did something like this." He exhaled.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled as I placed my hand on top of his.

"The reason why I ran away is to earn money for my mom's eye transplant. If I don't get the money for this by the time it would be too late." Johan's voice broke and could barely continue.

I gently began to rub my thumb on his hand comforting him.

"This why I didn't want to come with you when you were with Zack and Mira" Johan added.

I shook my head "It's fine Johan." "At least you still care about them, they will be happy if they know about this." I smiled.

"Zack was always the person I wished to be, he was everything that I wasn't," Johan said with his head down.

I gazed up at the sky and began "We all want to be someone else but at the same time, we forget who we are." "Johan" I looked at him "You saved Mira today, if you weren't there who knows what would have happened."

Johan showed me a band that was tied on his hand and said "My mom gave us these bands and told us to make a wish." He mumbled.

"Hehe, that's sweet! What did you wish for?" I asked him with a big smile

"Uh-huh...that's I - "

"C'mon don't be shy."

"I wished that my mom will get well soon," Johan said.

"That's sweet." I was awed by what he said.

"I made another wish too" he paused

"And what's that?"

"I wished to be with Mira," Johan concluded.

My heart skipped a beat and I could barely utter a word. I knew what he meant by that but something within me hesitated to accept the truth.
"Does it mean..."

"I liked her," Johan confessed

"You still like her?" I asked him expecting a 'no'

"I don't know but anyway it doesn't matter I don't deserve her," Johan answered.

I didn't know what was going on but I felt like my heart shatter into million pieces.


"Y-yes?" I tried to control my tears

"What's wrong?" He looked at me.

"It's nothing, Johan let's go home it's getting cold," I said as I got out of the swing.

"Okay, sure" he nodded and we began to walk.

So many things were overwhelming my mind and I couldn't digest the fact that he likes Mira. I wanted to hold his hand and cry out how I feel about him but will it do any good?

As we were walking I noticed tiny white dots falling from the sky. I stretched out my hand and looked up at the sky
"It's snow." My eyes widened.

"Look Y/N it's the first snow of the year," Johan said and looked back at Me.

"Yeah.." I answered.

Then we continued to walk and reached our apartment. As I was about to get into my apartment I slightly looked back at Johan.


I flinched when he caught me looking at him "Yes?"

"Thank you for listening to me." He smiled faintly at me.

I was surprised to see Johan because I haven't seen him smile at me
"It's alright. " I smiled back.

Then we both got into our apartments. I lay down on the bed thinking about what Johan said. My tears rolled down from my eyes and at the same time, I didn't realize why it is hurting me it wasn't like we were in a relationship or anything.

I reached out to take my phone but I couldn't feel my phone in my pocket. In fact, I didn't have a pocket.

I quickly got out of my bed and searched for my handbag and realized
"Oh crap! That's right I left with Johan without taking my handbag" I melted down and sighed.

"It's fine I hope Zoe or the others have taken my handbag." I consoled myself and went back to my room. I changed my clothes and jumped to bed, tucked myself into my blankets and fell asleep.

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