Chapter 8 - Good ol' Truth or Dare

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There were only fifteen beanbag chairs this time.

"I got it. Couples sit together!" Terry Boot exclaimed, working out the math.

Draco and Harry sat on the same beanbag, snuggling closely and warmly, with Draco stroking Harry's hair.

Harry made an appreciative sound. "Mm, happy one week, Dray."

"Cheesy. But yeah, happy one week, Hare."

Harry kissed him and they both blushed. Ron and Hermione occupied the beanbag beside them, Pansy and Blaise the other one.

"What are we playing today?" Daphne Greengrass piped up after the five couples were done kissing and showering each other with affection.

"How about we just play the good ol' Truth or Dare?" Dean suggested, hugging Seamus into his arms.

There were murmurs of agreement and Veritaserum was passed around the circle again.

"I'll go first," Parvati Patil said. She looked a bit sour for some reason. "Seamus, Truth or Dare?"

"Who are you kidding? Dare."

"Act like a chicken for the rest of the game."

"The literal chicken or the metaphorical chicken?"


Everyone laughed as Seamus pecked out his head, making his eyes bulge as he clucked a 'yes.'

"Bul- cluck!- strode- cluck!- Truth- cluck!- or- cluck!- Dare?"


"Name one of your pet peeves."

The Slytherin girl smirked. "Hah. Gryffindors."

The eight Gryffindors burst out laughing (except Seamus, he flapped his arms and clucked loudly) and Millicent raised her glass of Butterbeer.

"Brown, Truth or Dare?"


"Make out with Finch-Fletchley."

As Harry watched the blushing pair slowly make their way toward each other. Harry squeezed Draco's hand.

"Can you believe this- us- all started with a night of party games?"

Draco chuckled. "Wow. Yeah. Unbelievable, isn't it?"

Harry nestled his head in Draco's neck. "We should do this more often. Pass on the torch."

"Yeah? Well, I'd love to see more crushes coming true in the following years."

Lavender Brown's beanbag vanished. Blushing furiously, she went to sit with Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"It all started with party games," Draco sang softly in Harry's ear.

"It sure did."

Harry couldn't be more sure that the winner of the flirting battle was- both of them. 

The last chapter! Thank you so much for reading/commenting/voting/supporting this story! Hope you liked the story as much as I did :D

Love you guys, stay awesome!

-Billie, Hufflepuff x

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