Chapter 1 - Inter-house Unity?

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"Inter-house unity party?" Ron whisper-screamed incredulously. "'Mione, you can't be serious?"

"What? I think it's fun! The war's over, we're eight-years, we should have some fun and unite the houses, don't you think? After all, the sorting hat was right."

Ron still didn't look thoroughly convinced. "But it's going to be weird! I mean, yeah, inter-house unity and that crap-"


"What? I can't use crap?"

Hermione shot him a look.

Ron sighed. "Fine. Inter-house unity and that- er- hokum, is important, and I get that! But nobody's done it, 'Mione, and trust me, it's going to be awkward."

"I know Ronald, that's why we're doing a party. With party games," Hermione emphasized impatiently.

Ron whistled lowly. "Suit yourself, but there's no way in hell I'm going."

Hermione directed her attention to Harry instead. "Harry, you're going, right?" she asked sweetly.

Harry snapped up from his thoughts. He does that a lot now, every time he sensed an argument brewing between the two lovebirds his brain automatically shuts down so that he didn't need to hear their bickering/flirting. He blinked.

"Er, sorry?"

"Inter-house unity party! Come on, Harry, it'll be fun!"


"Harry, are you mental?" came Ron's panicked voice. "In-ter-house-u-ni-ty," Ron enunciated slowly.

"This Saturday night, at the Room of Requirement," Hermione said brightly, ignoring her boyfriend.

"Sure. Whatever," Harry replied carelessly. Judging by the look on Hermione and Ron's faces, this would be an event he would have to attend even if he didn't want to.

"Merlin's frilly stockings, Harry!"

Hermione swept to her feet triumphantly. "There! I'm going, Harry's going... Ron?"

He buried his head in his hands and let out a muffled and defeated 'yes.'

"Excellent!" Hermione chirped. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to spread the word. Anyone in eighth year who is interested is welcome to attend," she said in a high voice.

Ron groaned as Hermione skipped back to the girls' dormitory. Then he punched Harry on the arm.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"That's for taking 'Mione's side, you git!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Come on, Ron, I thought you'd know better since you're her boyfriend. Did you really think we could weasel out of this?"

"No," Ron admitted. "But at least we could tone down her triumphant arrogance a little."

Harry peered at him from his copy of Quidditch Through the Ages. "'Mione's a lucky girl."

It All Started with Party Games (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now