Chapter 3 - Truth or Dare

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The next week, all twenty people were once again in the Room of Requirement. Harry feigned sleeping in his dorm but Hermoine saw right through it and tickled his ribs.

"Today we're playing a game of Truth or Dare!" Hermione declared when everyone was settled in the comfy beanbags.

"For Truth, to make things more interesting- I've got Veritaserum!"

"Hell yeah!" Dean cheered.

The tiny vial was passed around and everyone poured a little into their Butterbeer shot glasses as Hermione instructed them. Harry felt that this evening wouldn't appeal to him at all.

"Cheers!" Hermione exclaimed. Everyone downed the dosed shots, including a very begrudged Harry.

"Who wants to go first?"

"I'll go!" Seamus exclaimed. He scanned the room excitedly. "Hm... Harry!"

Harry groaned internally.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Harry mumbled. He wasn't up for anything wild at the moment.

"Have you got a crush on someone now?"

That was easy. He already broke things off with Ginny and Cho was long gone.

"Yes," he replied. Wait, WHAT?!

"Yes," he repeated. NO! He didn't! What was the potion playing at?

No, I don't, he wanted to say. "Yes, I do," he said, furrowing his brows in frustration.

"Heard you the first time, Harry," Ernie laughed.

There must be something wrong with the potion.

"There's nothing wrong with the potion," he declared.

He let out a frustrated groan and slammed his head down to his knees, burying himself.

Everyone laughed and some people whistled.

"Come on, who is it?" he heard someone call out.

"One question limit!" Hermione shouted. "Harry, your turn!"

"Neville, Truth or Dare?" he mumbled, not bothering to lift his head.

"Dare," the boy said firmly.

"Make out with your girlfriend."

Harry didn't have the strength to give anyone a bad dare. He half-heartedly listened to the whoops and cheers from the room as Neville (according to the moans and gasps from the pair) positively snogged out Hannah's brains.

Harry finally lifted his head when the pair broke apart. They were both extremely disheveled, with puffy lips and burning red cheeks.

"Anthony, Truth or Dare?" Neville asked timidly, back to his shy self.


"Hm. How many people have you snogged?"

"Three," he replied. "Greengrass, Truth or Dare?"

The game went on. Daphne Greengrass confessed about crushing on Gilderoy Lockhart during second year, Ernie MacMillan did fifty pushups, Justin Finch-Fletchley admitted to being out of bed at night twice, Terry Boot danced a one-man tango, Millicent Bulstrode kissed Pansy Parkinson (both were disgusted after), then Millicent's voice cut through Harry's clouded brain.

"Draco, Truth or Dare?"

Malfoy smirked. "Dare."

"I dare you to snog a guy."

Malfoy smirked again. Slowly, he got up, surveying his options before landing his eyes on Harry.

His heart skipped a beat. Wait, hang on...


Oh dear God, he's walking toward me, he's walking toward me, he's bending down, Oh dear Merlin what the-

"Mmmph-!" was his muffled exclaim when a pair of lips crashed onto his own.

He was only semi-aware of the whoops and whistles surrounding him because he quickly kissed back, not knowing why, but he wrapped his arms around the blonde firmly and they were officially snogging each other, Malfoy tasting like Butterbeer and chocolate frogs, and something in it was just so exhilarating and blood-rushing and-

And it's over.

Harry watched, dumbfounded as Draco made his way back across the room to his beanbag. He lowered himself onto it and crossed his legs, staring directly into Harry's eyes.

There must be a shortage of the supply of oxygen in this damn room.

"Potter," he said smoothly, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," he replied hoarsely, his voice suddenly gone.

"Did you like the kiss?"

Harry was barely able to stop himself before the Veritaserum forced the truth out of the tip of his tongue.


The room was dead silent. Harry didn't dare look at Ron.

"'Mione, Truth or Dare?" he asked quietly.

"Truth," she replied in a small voice.

Harry sighed. "I dunno, tell us one of your secrets."

Harry vaguely registered Hermione saying that she secretly loved it when Ron hugs her waist or something like that. All the while he kept his head down, not wanting to look at anybody, especially one platinum-blonde-haired boy.

Nobody mentioned it for the rest of the game. Nobody called on either Harry or Malfoy. The game progressed, somewhat awkwardly, even if some of the tasks were truly exciting like Terry Boot giving a three-minute lap dance to a blushing Daphne Greengrass.

After Harry dragged himself back to the dormitory with his two worried-looking friends, he threw himself onto the four-poster bed and fiercely tugged the hangings close. He didn't want anyone bothering him when all he wanted to do was have a good night's sleep.

Except he didn't. He spent the night thinking about the pair of warm, buttery lips on his own.

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