Chapter 6 - Truth or Dare

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Saturday night. Screw inter-house unity, this is a matter of pride and who caves first.

Harry bought a bottle of expensive cologne at Hogsmeade last Sunday and was deciding what clothes would charm the boots off Draco Malfoy.

He went with green. This time, he charmed the T-shirt smaller, making it hug Harry's upper body fitly and emphasize his rippled chest and muscular biceps. He chose a pair of black jeans that made his arse stand out nicely as he checked himself out in front of the mirror.

After shaving and whiffing on a generous dose of cologne, he wondered whether to do something about his unruly hair. But he figured it gave him a nice just-shagged look.

"Damn, Harry, looking good!" whistled Dean as he entered the room.

"Careful, don't let your boyfriend hear that," Harry replied with a wink.

Ron also clambered inside their dorm. "Harry, mate, let's go, 'Mione's-"

Ron stopped dead and his jaw dropped.

"Harry looking fine, eh?" Dean laughed.

"You know it's just another inter-house unity party, right?"

"Oh, I know," Harry replied lightly. "These are just casual clothing, really." He wasn't lying, he just didn't tell them the part about charming his clothes to make himself look sexier.

"Er, whatever you say, mate," Ron said awkwardly. "Come on, let's go."

They arrived on the seventh floor; Harry ready to flirt the hell out when his heart stopped.

Draco Malfoy wore a shirt. The long sleeves folded artfully messy just above his elbows, showing off his Dark Mark nonchalantly, the top two buttons of the practically see-through white shirt unclasped, leaving half of his bare and muscular chest out in the open.

His hair was not his usual immaculate and gel-backed style, it was soft and smooth and stylishly messy, enough to make Harry's mouth water.

To top it all off, he wore skin-tight jeans. They hugged his perfectly proportioned legs amazingly and Harry had to will himself from stealing a glance at his groin region to see how well the jeans covered that.

Harry's throat suddenly felt very, very dry. Oh dear.

Malfoy caught his eye and he flashed him the most handsome smile known to the world. "Hello, Harry."

Harry's heart skipped a thousand beats. Did he just call me by my first name?! And damn if it wasn't the sweetest sound in the universe.

"Er- hi, Malfoy," Harry replied, focusing entirely on not sweating.

"Oh, come on, Harry, I think we're well past our last-name basis, don't you think?"

Harry stared at him. There was a smirk playing at his lips.

"Certainly," Harry managed to choke out.

"Good." Draco beamed at him. He freakin' beamed.

The Ravenclaws arrived at that moment and the door of the Room of Requirement appeared.

"Let's go, Harry," Draco said, enclosing his hand around Harry's, leading him inside the room.

Holy Merlin's baggy underwear.

They were holding hands. Crap, they were holding hands. I'm holding hands with Draco bloody Malfoy!

Neville and Lavender gripped each other's hands tightly. C'mon, six Galleons, they mouthed to each other.

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