And with that, he made his way out of the kitchen. Now leaving Sakusa to himself, the dark-haired took a small breath and relaxed back into his counter a bit, taking a moment to have some more tea.

He'd only been up for a good half an hour, so, unlike Atsumu — Sakusa had already showered and gotten dressed. Now, he was left waiting for the blonde upstairs to be done. Which, after a good went minutes, he was.

"Omi-kun!" Atsumu called as he walked back into the kitchen, now clean and dressed up for the day. "Are ya ready t' go?"

"Mhm." Sakusa hummed in response as he finished his tea, placing the cup in the sink before heading for the kitchen doorway.

"Then let's go!" The faux blonde called as he ran off, presumably headed for the front door.

Sakusa let out a bitter sigh at that, he really wasn't looking forward to being out so early.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

"C'monnn, 'm hungry lets go!" Atsumu whined, the blonde was currently trying — and failing, to drag Sakusa to their first stop of the day. A small café.

"Let go," The dark-haired sighed bitterly, finally managing to get his arm out of Atsumu's grip. "I know how to walk, you don't have to drag me." Sakusa sighed bitterly.

"Someone's prickly this mornin', aren't ya?" The faux blonde let out a soft chuckle as he pushed the café's doors open, holding them so Sakusa wouldn't have to touch them.

"Shut up." The dark-haired shot back with a small groan, his tone wasn't at all harsh, just dull. He really wanted to go back to sleep.

"Yer bein' pretty rude t' someone who's buyin' ya breakfast." Atsumu rolled his eyes playfully, earning an unreadable look from Sakusa.

"I guess it's a good thing you're not paying for breakfast then." Sakusa lips tugged into a smirk under his mask seeing the blonde's expression go from playful to confused.

Before Atsumu could question what he meant however, Sakusa spoke up again.

"If you're making dinner, I'm buying breakfast." He shrugged softly. "No if's, and's, or but's. Now go find a table."

And with that, Sakusa walked off to the lineup where only two other people stood — leaving Atsumu to stare at him for a moment. However, once the blonde came back around, he let out a huff before walking off to get a table.

After getting seated, Atsumu waited a good ten minutes before Sakusa finally came back. The dark-haired in question came back with a small mix of fruits, an espresso, a mocha latte, and some strawberry turnovers.

Atsumu barely had time to get a thank you out before he started eating, the strawberry turnovers Sakusa brought over looked beyond appetizing — and tasted even better.

"Slow down, I'm not helping you if you start choking." The dark-haired sighed softly, stifling a small chuckle as he watched the blonde across from him help himself.

Atsumu tried to give a smartass remark, but, thanks to the blondes mouth being full, Sakusa didn't understand a single thing. That earned some small laughter from the dark-haired and eventually a soft smile from the faux blonde.

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