chapter 24 (final)

Start from the beginning

Everyone laughs and we move onto the next round. I've leveled up getting a new character "heck yeah" I cheer. The new character has better stamina and luck so naturally I chose that one. I press ready and wait for the others.

We play for another 3 hours before we all have to do our own things. I leave the discord call and read through chat. "Alright I have a few things to do tonight so have a good night I'll see you guys next stream" I say before ending stream.

I check to see if sykkuno is still streaming and he is. It's pretty dark in his room to set the mood for the game so I quickly sneak over there opening the door and jumping in to scare him. He shouts then rests his hand on his chest making me laugh. "Jesus" he says.

He looks back at his chat and I lean into view "hey guys!" I wave. A few people laughing at that his fiance scared him and lots of people praising me for scaring him.

"I'll let you end stream, bye everyone!" I wave before pecking his head with a kiss and running down to the kitchen. My stomach started growling so I search through the fridge for food.

While looking theres arms wrapped around me from behind "just order sushi" he whispers in my ear. "Mmmm ok" I say before turning around in his arms. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asks. "Sure, i have a video to edit so I'll do that after" I reply.

He pecks my lips before we head to the living room and order late night sushi. Tomorrow morning a couple girls are coming from la to help me start the wedding planning. "So who's coming tomorrow?" He asks. "Leslie, rae and imane" I answer.

"Oooh okay, do you want my input on anything?" He asks. "Cake flavour, the guest list, your suit along with your best man and groomsmen suits" I answer. He nods "okay that's simple" he replies. The rest of the night goes by like normal and the morning comes around.


I wake up around 9am and make myself a quick smoothie before gathering the things I need for planning before settling down at the kitchen table and starting to edit the video since I didn't end up doing it last night.

Around noon rae texts me to let me know they're almost here and they're just picking up coffee. Sykkuno woke up an hour ago and now we're searching for venues. We pick a few different places we both like, one is here in Vegas, ones in LA and the other is in london.

Growing up I always thought I'd get married at home in London but vegas is my home now. "How about we have it here so both our families and friends can meet here" he suggests. "Okay that's a good idea, we can explore more venues here then" I say.

About 20 minutes later the girls come walking in. "Great timing, thank you for the coffee" I say hugging rae. She smiles "i know you'd need it" she whispers. I laugh before hugging leslie. She's been planning hers for awhile now so i can take some pointers from her.

Around 2 sykkuno goes to his streaming room for his stream. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I whisper back pecking his lips. He kisses the top of my head before leaving. "Have a good stream!" Imane yells after him.

I laugh as he shouts back "will do!". Once hes out of hearing range we start planning more. "Okay so when are you guys thinking?" Leslie asks. "We need awhile to plan and get everything so next july, we just don't know the exact day yet" I answer. She nods writing down some things.

Wedding planning takes a lot so I want these three to help me the most but with small things I want tiana and sykkunos help. Speaking of tiana she comes walking in at about 2:30. "I had a morning stream, sorry I didnt join" she says.

The day goes by fairly quick before they're leaving back to La. Tiana, sykkuno and I settle down on the couch watching a movie when an idea pops into my head. I grab my laptop going to amazon, I'm going to try a bunch of cheap wedding dresses to see what I like. Each being different types of course.

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