(4) Suspicion Has Arrised

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|| October 4th , 5:00 am ||

It's been about twenty fours since the disappearance of Scarlett.    Abel had been up all night looking for his daughter , he vowed to not rest until the day he brings her home alive..If she's alive.   He went to Superstachio's market to purchase a supply of caffnated drinks. Walking into the store , he went right to the glass door , opened it , grabbed seven energy drinks , then carried them to the cashier.

" 15.95 " , The scrawny man with pale skin , and jet black hair stated.

Abel nodded and swiped his blackcard , then pressed debt into the key pad before pressing his pin number.   The cashier approved it then gave him a recepit and put his things into bags. Putting his card back into pocket and taking the bags , Abel walked into the dark city that had dim street lights.  He grabbed a can , cracked it open then began gulping it down till nothing was left , he then threw the can in the recycling.

Instead of driving , he walked up the dark street then made a right and walked up to Lamar's door and pounded excessively. Lamar opened the door with tired eyes and stared at Abel.

" Good , you're up.   You lost my daughter , your gonna help me find her."

" Abel , I'm tired "

" I don't give a rat's ass if you're tired , she's out there and bad things are possibly happening to her."

Abel reached into the bag for a drink and forcefully handed it to Lamar, " Drink up , you'll need it " . Lamar held the cold can and walked back in his home to get dressed properly.   He came back down about five minutes later.

"Abel shouldn't we go down to the station?"

" No , We're doing this my way , If whoever has my child knows police are on to him or her , they'll flee. I don't need that shit.  So you're gonna help me re trace steps. "

" Fine ".

Lamar and Abel went back to where it all began , the Amusement park.  But they travelled by foot instead of car , so it took about two hours to get there.  New york is a gianormas city , they kicked rocks , walked up steep hills but every so often , Lamar complained about sore feet.  But when they got there the gates were shut and bolted shut.

Abel shot a quick look at Lamar.

" Abel , don't tell me .. you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do "

" If I didn't love Scarlett , I wouldn't be doing this. Now shut up and come on".  Abel grasped on to the chain link fence.  Hooking his fingers through the holes then putting his right foot on the  fence , he gave a little leap so that his left foot would be steady on the fence.  He quickly climbed up the fence as if he were spiderman.

Once at the top , Abel jumped into the mulch for a soft fall as he was in the Amusement park now.  But now it was Lamar's turn to climb the fence , his first attempt was a complete faliure , as it resulted him falling as smacking his head on the concrete ground but the second try was successful.

With both of them of the battle grounds , they started there search.  Abel noticed Lamar was acting a little odd but it could of been from the fall.

" I swear I didn't do it "

" The hell are you talking about ? " , Abel inquired.

" Nothing.."

Abel rolled his eyes , " Do you know if anyone saw her ? "

" No , No one saw her." , Lamar lied.  The female from when she was lost had stated she walked the child to a man. Abel nodded because he believed his brother.  The park was large so it was difficult trying to choose a specfic spot to search. 

" Look , we're gonna search this whole damn park. "

" I don't know man "

Abel had become extremely irritated at the fact ,  Lamar was being very odd , one would think they'd want to help their brother find the child that he lost but it was as if Lamar didn't want to help at all.  Like..he was..trying to stall Abel from finding her.

" You look on the left side and I'll look by the water , don't call me till you've find something".

Abel whispered shouted at Lamar , when he looked up at the sky; it started becoming a light pastel blue and he felt as if time were running.  He ran to the left side of the park and searched hard.  But noticed something that caught his eye , something dull but pink by the dock. Abel wandered down there and picked up what he saw. A girl's shoe .. the shoe of his daughter.

Clutching it angrily , he followed the path where he saw the shoe and it led him to a door; large , steel , but it didn't have a doorknob but written on the door - Caution. Then it had police tape over the door going in an X shape across the door.

As he got closer , to the door , there was a handprint..a bloody handprint.  Abel began fearing the worst but he decided leave the hidden area and search for Lamar. So he could tell him that he found a shoe.  When he got to the middle of the park , he couldn't find Lamar.  So he sprinted to the left side of the park.  

" Lamar ? , Where are you man?, " Abel screamed.  He glanced at his phone's clock - 6:00 am.  The sky was no longer dark , it was a complete vibrant aqua shade , and clouds began to crack through. Abel sighed but he wasn't giving up.  He walked passed a gigantic ferris wheel , then began to move on by itself.

Jumping back some he looked up as music began to play. He thought Lamar was trying to play some type trick on him when was supposed to be helping him find his child.  Music boomed from the speakers , so Abel followed the music.  

What he found is what was going to give him a run from his money. He found Lamar lying on the ground near the a jukebox with a song - Pier to Nowhere.  The music's volume had gotten louder then what it was.

Abel did his best to ignore it and tend to his unconscious brother. He placed to finger against his vein on his wrist but there wasn't a pulse. So he moved his fingers to his neck above his juggular vein and he felt a slow pulse.

Sighing with relief , he then began to get a text message from an unknown number.  Abel has never seen the number in his life but he began wondering if it was possible that someone was out to get him?.

The message had stated ;

In order to find out who kidnapped you daughter , you must start with the person that's seen her last. He knows the truth about what happend to her. - Cobra

Abel played this text message over in his head , He knows the truth...He knows the truth..He knows the truth.  Who knew the truth?.  Lamar?.  Abel had become extremely lost.   Lamar was still lying there then that's when he saw a note that stated , A stranger is watching ..

- Unknown

Abel took a deep breath , he's left with a shoe , a text , and a note but he didn't know what was happening.


(a/n : Alright , I needed to update because I friggin love this book , and I drank an energy drink.  Hmm. Do you find it weird that Lamar didn't want to help? )

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