(6) Tick Tock , The Cobra Strikes

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Abel sat in the leather seat and pulled this black book from out of his pocket. Browsing through , there was a over three hundred children names in the book; list in alphabetical order as well. Abel noticed how each child's name was crossed out in different colored pens. As he flipped through the book , a burnt piece of paper fell at his feet. Placing the book on the glass table , Abel reached down and picked the paper.

Written on the paper were addresses to buildings and color codes.

715 Abernathy Road ( Blue )

120th Susquehanna Avenue ( Red )

40th and 150th Broad Street ( Orange )

Sally and Maple drive (Yellow)

As he read this , Abel tried to think of what the different colors meant , Blue would mean Drowned , Red as in stabbed , Orange as in flames , and yellow as in poisoned. He stuffed the note back into the book and continued read through this book , while flipped through the pages , he came across a very familiar name ; <s>Sarah Gibson ( Blue , Red , and Orange)</s> . Abel's heart fell into the pit of his stomach. He had failed Scarlett.

Just the mere thought of what that girl could of been put through shot lightening into his already crackling heart. Abel got up and fed the dog some pizza then made his way into Scarlett's room. He sat down on the edge of her large canopy bed and touched the see through fuschia drapes that hung over the sides of the bed. Around the room , were frames of his daughter smiling , and petting her first llama. As Abel looked around the room , he noticed something spot on. A picture of his wife and daughter happened to be missing.

Is it possible that someone was in home?.

He walked out of the room and went downstairs to see Lamar sitting on the couch. He looked..frightened. Abel glared at him then called the Blizten over before making small conversation.

" I-I can't help you find her."

" I don't need your help , I can do it on my own"

" No , You have to stop searching for her "

" What the hell ?! , I'm gonna continue to look for her , and No one will stop me from doing so "

"It's not safe to go looking for Scarlett ," Lamar said. His voice shaked , he was seriously spooked as if..someone was telling him to stop his brother. Abel cut him off and walked out of the door , leaving behind what was important; The Blackbook . Abel cursed to himself , turning around , he grabbed his door knob but his door was locked. Abel banged on the viciously but no one answered.

"Lamar open my damn door ," Abel shouted but the shouting made Blizten crazy. The dog began barking at the door rapidly , he was scratching , whimpering , then barking again at the door. Abel did his best to calm the distressed dog. He made his way around the back of his small home and saw that a window was busted.

Abel needed that blackbook , he felt it was one step closer to finding his daughter. He kicked down his backdoor with aggressive strength , when he walked to the living room , Lamar and The Blackbook were gone. What was Lamar hiding?. Did Lamar take the book? . What would he need it for?. Many questions flashed through his head.

Abel walked out the house and the dog followed behind , but it seemed they stood out from the large New York City crowds. Abel had grown hungry and needed to shower but the importance and determination to find his daughter stood in his way. A slight odor could be smelt from himself but Abel didn't care.

Abel roamed the New York city for places that would be considered abandoned. New york city held over thousands of abandoned homes but what if she was in someone's home..and they lived there?. Then an idea struck him , break into a house. But who's house ? was the question Abel asked himself.

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