Terrorizing People

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Hermione: Harry, is it true you've been purposely picking arguments with others on here?

Ron: it's 4 am

Hermione: Quiet, Ronald.

Harry: .....No.

Hermione: Do not lie to me! I was shown by Percy your messages to him showing disdain towards his Prefect methods, also ending with the use of middle fingers. I'm disappointed.

Ron: It's 4 in the damn morning

Hermione: QUIET!

Harry: Ok maybe I have! It's not bad everyone is always Messing with me let me live!

Hermione: Ohhhh, I've been letting you live long enough! If I get one more complaint showing you texting random numbers and getting them angry, I'll have a firm talk with you!

Hermione: Do you understand?

Harry: Yes Mione 😔

Ron: Oh ffs GO TO SLEEP-

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