Hacking Draco

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Lavender: Guys I've been thinking, maybe we should change our names or something?

Alice: Like to what?

Lavender: I don't know. Maybe... something cool?

Sirius: Mines would be #BadAssMotherfu-

Lily: Don't you dare finish that!

Sirius: How... Did... You... Do... That... Woman?!

Lily: Do not forget I know more than I show.

Draco: Mines would be-

Draco: nmsjdjdlsoos- #KingFerretNaked

Lavender: Um....

Ron: .... That's... Normal????

Padma: Ew.

James: Harry, cover your eyes.

Sirius: This is the boy the girls thrust over?

Hermione: thrust?!

Sirius: *thrist. Don't be that person.

Blaise: 😂😂😂😂 Freaking a, Dra.

Seamus: Gross, Malfoy.

Draco: Someone hacked into my phone!!!

Theo: .....

Draco: Theodore, I swear-


Draco: I like big butts and I cannot lie!!

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Ron: Yeah, I don't want to miss out on this.

Draco: Help me-


Draco: -You know I want 'cha! You know you want me!

Draco: Who is doing this-


Draco: My fellow Americans, I hate Donald Trump-


Draco: Who even is that?!

Theo: .....

Daphne: Theodore Nott Jr, you better not be.

Blaise: He is a hacker.

Daphne: You stop that right now!

Theo: So bossy.

James: I feel you.

Lily: Excuse me?

Lavender: Why can't these never be normal chats?!

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