White Room

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Beep beep beep

The only sound I could make out was the faint beeping in the darkness.

As the light slowly crept into my dark corner I could do nothing but look up at the white ceiling.

Slowly I curled my fingers and toes. Only when I could move them without a struggle I decided to try and turn my head.

It hit me like a bag of bricks I was in a hospital. My eyes fly to the window but the shade was drawn protecting me from the harsh sun light.

I finally had enough of just looking around so I tried to sit up.

Key word tried.

I could suddenly feel the tug holding me to the bed. I looked down at my torso to find thick black straps holding me in place.

My hands and feet bound to the bed as if I was a wild animal. Fear started to set in as I heard the hushed voices passing in the hallway.

Wires hung off me as if I was a science experiment.

Taking a deep breath in I started to harshly pull my wrist towards my body. Once it touched my torso I pulled up hearing an undeniable crack.

Signaling that my wrist was now dislocated. I pulled it through and out of the strap. Piping it back in place I started rushing to undo the others before the nurse came to check on me.

After my other hand was free I started working on the other straps.

As the straps dangled from the bed I swung my legs over the side slightly hissing at the cold floor.

Slowly I made my way to the sliding door. Pushing it slightly open I peaked out into the hall way.

'No guards just my luck!' I thought as I walked seamlessly down the hallway.

The elevator just in sight. I started to walk a little faster in fear that someone was close by.

I stopped in front of the reflective metal that was the elevator staring at myself. I looked pale and thin. I looked dirty and dead.

My eyes no longer a bright green like the light went out my hair disheveled into a dark green mess on my head. It was over grown and full of dirt and blood.

The only clean thing on me was the hospital gown that hung off my body like a sheet.

My eyes followed down to the wrist band. I looked down reading my name off of it.

Izuku Midoryia 

I haven't heard that name in a long time I almost forgot about it. My mom ,my dad ,my life ,all of it.

But here it is blocking my path once again. But this time I don't see a way out.
Maybe it's for the best. I did have a good run.

People looked up to me.

They spoke out for me!

They saved my life and yet where am I now!?

Nowhere, a nobody that's it that's all that's left. My identity is out and I'm guessing my job is gone , my apartment gone ,my friends gone!

Why do I keep getting the losing side of the stupid coin. Why can't the toss be in my favor just once?


Just as I was about to run out the door opened. My eyes widened at who stepped out.


"Hello Kaz or should I say Mr. Midoryia?" He said stepping into the hallway.

He looked like he hasn't slept all night. I wonder if he was waiting for me to wake up?

I shivered and shook the thought away noticing he was in civilian clothes and holding coffee and a bag that was spouting hot steam.

The smell antagonized me, making me feel as if I was a starving animal.

"Here , you look like you haven't eaten in a while." He said handing over the bag.

Taking the bag from his hand I opened it staring down at the contents inside. Debating whether or not to eat it.

"Go ahead it's not like it's poisonous." Eraser said as he stepped out of the elevator.

Putting a hand my shoulder he pulled me back down the hall as I started to eat.

As we neared the room I came from I could see all the wires and monitors had been pulled to the floor from when I left.

I wanted to pick it all up but when I went to use my quirk all I heard was a faint beeping then nothing happened.

Confused I walked into the bathroom to look in the mirror. That's when I spotted the black collar around my neck.

"Hey it's just a pro caution in case you lose control like last time." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

Reaching one around the back of my neck I could do nothing but flinch. I felt the weight of the collar fade away as it now sat in the palm of his hand.

As if it was a silent warning not to do anything stupid.

Meeting his eyes he stared down at me with a look that I couldn't quiet read.

"How old?"

"What?" I said not understanding his question.

"Your age how old are you your records say your dead?" Erasers voice bounced off the small space.

"I'm 16 I think closer to seventeen."

My voice comes out raspy from not using it. I could feel as sleep started to creep into my eyes.

Sliding down the wall.

As I lowered my head so it sits on my knees I heard loud yelling. It was coming down the hall barreling towards me like a bullet.

Jumping to my feet I made a mad dash for the door. Ready to fight or take off.

But a harsh pull on my hospital gown stops me from going any further. Looking over my shoulder I was met with the tired face of Eraser.

His coffee lay spilled over the floor. But a calm and collected look rested on his face. As if he knew who it was outside.

I had to admit it made me feel safe like I could just trust that if anything goes wrong he would be there to protect me.

He reminds me of my mom. Always worrying yet happy to give you space if you need it.

Just as I opened my mouth to protest the door in front of me flew open I spun to be met with a panting teen.


1078 words

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