I Remember You

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Bakugo POV

I was fighting the criminals next to shitty hair. He was smiling like an idiot.

When All Might busted in. That idiot ran straight towards that monster.

Watching as the symbol of piece was getting his ass kicked. Yellow eyes yelled something about a second Nomu that came through.

I liked the sound of fighting one of those things. So I finished off the last of the villains and ran to the edge of the stairs.

Looking for my target my eyes fell on a boy about the same age as me?

His hair was dark with tints of purple? And green!!

His eyes were the same but he look taller and thinner.

No there's no way that the nerd was still alive. They said it wasn't possible with all the blood he lost!

I watched as he ripped this mask thing off his face. Blood dripping from his nose as he dropped the mask to the ground.

The mask had tubes and wires. Then he gripped the collar on his neck screaming ripping it apart.

He started to fight the creature head on. Now that's what I call power.

But I can't have him showing me up. But before I can make it half way down the stairs.

Tape arms wrapped me up saying he new what I was thinking. I couldn't get out of it so decided to watch.

And I was not disappointed.

He tore that thing apart like it was nothing. He looked up at me and the old man eraser.

That's when it hit me.

So I did the only thing I could. I blew up the tape and started running towards him.

I watched as his throat disintegrated then healed itself.

He was crawling and reaching out for help. Then the shorts rang out. I stopped and dropped low not wanting to be hit by a stray bullet.

What idiot shoots a gun. He could have hit Deku!!

I was only a few more feet away. I could see the fear stilled on his face.

Chains wrapped around his legs hurling him through the air. I jumped after him.

Our finger tips barley touched as he disappeared through the portal. And it closed right in my face.

"Dammit!!" Slamming my fists down on the ground.

Standing up I turned to All Might.

"Why didn't you save him??!! He was right there!" I say pointing at the spot of blood on the ground.

I felt the tears roll down my face as I dropped to my knees.

Looking into the dirt where he laid I could make out some numbers.

Blinking in disbelief I saw the numbers he left behind. Coordinates that's what they were.

"Hey there numbers here!" Pointing down at the numbers the hero's all raced over to take a look.


Switching POV

I leaned on the railing staring in the direction where the portal had once been.

The only words to leave my mouth were.

"That kid was Kaz." A hollow look filled my eyes as hundreds of thought raced through my head.

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